“We are willing to put it all on the line to deliver this message.” – Director Judd Saul
A little teaser from the upcoming movie The Enemies Within.
Proof that Bernie Sanders is a pro-totalitarian Marxist.
The Enemies Within
“We are willing to put it all on the line to deliver this message.” – Director Judd Saul
A little teaser from the upcoming movie The Enemies Within.
Proof that Bernie Sanders is a pro-totalitarian Marxist.
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
According to the Steele Dossier, Bernie Sanders TOOK TEN MILLION DOLLARS FROM RUSSIA.
I know Josh! This absolutely means nothing unless you watch the video and then it’s your comments that become absolutely meaningless, lmao! Though we’ll take your advice and try to reserve judgement when we see you alongside your fellow socialist brethren the national socialist party of the neo Nazi’s. Or not.
What a waste of 2 minutes of my life that video was. Nothing said in the video means anything at all. “Speaking along side” of people doesn’t mean you are those people, or even agree with them. And being endorsed by someone doesn’t mean anything either. Literally nothing soar in that video amounts to any trace of significance. Moronic babble.
*”said” not “soar”
So then you’ve been duped, or perhaps your just a stooge aka useful idiot. Which is it?
I’d buy the track in a heartbeat. But if I could sing like Fox Lima and the other wonderful contributors, I’d be happy to donate my voice and be a part of the Enigma experience. JMO )
Would you speak alongside a neo-Nazi or Klansman at a political event of common ideological interest?
I’d love to have a democratic socialist for president. To hear the man defend this for himself, google the Georgetown University speech he gave on Democratic Socialism.
If you want to live in a socialist country move to Sweden or any of the others. America is a capitalist country. Capitalism and freedom are our birthrights, and if communists like you try to take that away we real Americans will fight. Remember that well. We will not see our freedoms taken away by losers like you or any other pinko’s.
Well said JB! I will second that and will back up Jim Brown.
You do realize that America is Socialist, just look at how many socialist programs we have, from national parks to the military.
I think Jim and Bart are beyond thinking much about anything. Certainly they show no sign of considering the great gifts capitalism has laid upon the people of the United States. Jim’s leap to suggesting anyone disagreeing with him about the wonders of our ‘system’ leave the country is a hint at what use there is in trying to engage either of the two in a rational discussion. I admire your attempt to exchange actual ideas with the couple but am certain you are doomed to failure.
You may as well go to the park and shout at trees.
Actually Michael. America is not Socialist and never will be. National Parks and the military are not Socialist programs. Try again. America is not and once again will never be a Socialist country. Socialism and social/public services are two different things. Try again. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/425799/notes-ridiculous-meme-charles-c-w-cooke
Repeat after me Michael. Socialism is not anything a government does, Socialism is not anything a government does.
Sanders is a full fledged communist. Do not be fooled by his speeches — he too lies, just as OBAMA did to achieve power. They are both Communists with deep communist connections. Obama is connected to.the Soviet and Chinese Communist spies of the Silvermaster spy ring– just as Valerie Bowman Jarrett is… When Judicial Watch had their FOIA request satisfied on Valerie Jarrett it revealed her father, her grandfather and her father-in-law were in league with Soviet spy Alfred Stern. Stern fled to the USSR and later Cuba. Stern was charged with espionage. Stern had web Jarretts gramps’ business partner…her father left for Iran. Valerie Jarrett is the poster child for the Red/Green communist alliance. The enemy is in the White House. Do not doubt it. Read: CLUES TO OBAMA I. D MYSTERY: FBI Soviet Spy Files, Islamic Cult SUBUD, And A Dead Body @ http://www.TheAmericanReport.org
Sanders is a full fledged communist. Do not be fooled by his speeches — he too lies, just as OBAMA did to achieve power. They are both Communists with deep communist connections. Obama is connected to.the Soviet and Chinese Communist spies of the Silvermaster spy ring– just as Valerie Bowman Jarrett is… When Judicial Watch had their FOIA request satisfied on Valerie Jarrett it revealed her father, her grandfather and her father-in-law were in league with Soviet spy Alfred Stern. Stern fled to the USSR and later to Cuba. Stern was charged with espionage. Stern had been Jarrett’s gramps’ business partner…her father left shortly thereafter for Iran.
Valerie Jarrett is the poster child for the Red/Green communist alliance. The enemy is in the White House. Do not doubt it.
CLUES UNLOCK OBAMA I.D. MYSTERY: FBI Soviet Spy Files, Islamic Cult SUBUD, And A Dead Body
Problem is that Sanders’ political affiliations and ties are networked with hard-line communist elements. Mainstream media pieces have reported Sanders’ close ties with the DSA. The DSA propounds severe state control, if not ownership, of the means of production. True Social Democracy (i.e. Democratic Socialism) preaches a mixed economy. Also, Sanders pointed out at his speech at Liberty University that wealth should be conscripted not for billionaires but for the whole people. Such verbiage is clearly hard-line collectivist socialist ideology. (While I strongly agree and lament the control of American political system by multinational corporations and Wall Street banks, Sanders’ prescribes a socialist solution, which would in turn perpetuate the monopolies of state control. Instead, I would argue for Balanced and Nationalist Capitalism, instead of collectivism of a dictatorial nature or libertarian capitalism.
See this expanded research paper that I published on Scribd.com regarding Senator Sanders: http://www.scribd.com/doc/280699526/What-Burns-Me-About-the-Bern#scribd