Book Trevor Loudon for your Event!

Trevor Loudon CPAC 2016

Trevor at CPAC 2016
Trevor at CPAC 2016
Trevor Loudon

If you  are interested in booking Trevor for a radio show or an event, please send an email to

NOTE: Logistics information here.

Trevor Loudon Biography

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.

Trevor Loudon’s thesis is that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements. The Democratic Party’s consistent defunding of the US military, support of open borders, sexualization of children, the climate change agenda, pipeline shutdowns and many other anti-American policies are all consistent with communist goals.

Trevor Loudon believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization.

Some of Trevor Loudon’s accomplishments:

  • Coming soon! “Comrade Prime Minister: Anthony Albanese’s 40 Year Alliance with Australian Communism”
  • Trevor Loudon is now at America Out Loud News! His radio show “Trevor Loudon Reports” is aired on Saturday and Sunday at 3:00 pm EST.
  • Trevor Loudon’s series House Un-Americans: Part 1 – 3 of Six Now Available
  • In November, 2022, Trevor Loudon published “Security Risk Senators, Part 2: Michigan to Virgina
  • In October, 2022, Trevor Loudon published “Security Risk Senators, Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts
  • Trevor’s film with Director Judd Saul and Pastor Cary Gordon was released in November 2021: “Enemies Within: The Church
  • In February, 2020, Trevor Loudon published WHITE HOUSE REDS: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for US President, 2020
  • Trevor’s hard-hitting political documentary, the Enemies Within, was released in 2016.
  • In Collaboration with the Capital Research Center, Trevor Loudon and Director Judd Saul  created a series of mini-documentaries free to the public:
  • Trevor Loudon discovered the long-hidden relationship between notorious Hawaiian Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and the young Barack Obama in 2007.
  • After extensively researching Obama’s ties to the New York and Chicago Marxist movements, Loudon began publishing his findings online, catching the eye of such prominent voices as Accuracy in Media and syndicated radio host Glenn Beck.
  • In 2009 Loudon exposed the communist roots of Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones. After an extensive campaign by Glenn Beck and others, Jones was forced to resign from his White House position.
  • Since 2011 Loudon has toured the United States promoting his two books “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” – an extensively footnoted expose of the rapidly unfolding Marxist takeover of the United States government.
  • Loudon has addressed hundreds of conservative, tea party, religious and Republican groups across America.
  • Loudon has interviewed many people from both sides of the struggle over the years to former Western intelligence offices, to government undercover operatives inside the communist movement, to former KGB officers.

This research has given Loudon unique insight into how extensively often minuscule communist parties have been able to manipulate, and even control policy formation in many Western countries – particularly the “main enemy:” the United States of America. Loudon’s research shows that this is not just a historical problem, but is a very grave and looming threat which will not only impact America’s national security but indeed her very survival.

Trevor proudly serves as a fellow at both the American Freedom Alliance and the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought.

Sample of Trevor Loudon Articles:

  • Epoch Times: Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda
  • Epoch Times: Grassroots Conservatives Urge GOP Establishment to Broach Social Issues
  • Accuracy in MediaWhich Security Risk for President?
  • WVW Broadcast Network: Trevor Loudon Joins Brannon Howse at CPAC 2022
  • American Thinker: Hillary Clinton: America’s Most Dangerous Enemy Within
  • American Thinker: An Alexis de Tocqueville for Our Time
  • Breitbart: Trevor Loudon: If Hillary Clinton Is Elected, ‘There Will Never Be Another Republican President, Ever’
  • Breitbart: Frank Gaffney: Hillary Clinton’s Immigration Policies Put U.S. on ‘Road to a Sharia State’
  • Breitbart: Frank Gaffney: Keith Ellison a ‘Very Aggressive Hard Leftist Enabler’ of Muslim Brotherhood
  • The Counter Jihad Report: The Glazov Gang-Trevor Loudon on “The Enemies Within
  • drrichswier.comACTION: Tell Congress to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization
  • FrontPageMag: THE ENEMIES WITHIN: A new documentary by Trevor Loudon exposes the subversion of our own government.
  • Liberty Unyielding: Video: ‘The Enemies Within,’ a must-see film
  • Hollywood Reporter: Hillary Clinton “Mentor” Saul Alinsky Explored in Two New Films
  • Jihad Watch: Video: Trevor Loudon on “The Enemies Within” – on The Glazov Gang
  • The New American: Progressive Patty
  • Politichicks: The Enemies Within: An Exclusive PolitiChicks Interview with Trevor Loudon
  • Truth Revolt: Glazov Gang: What Trump Must Do on Islamic Threat: Filmmaker Trevor Loudon unveils plan for the new president to push back the jihadist tide
  • WND: ‘Enemies Within’ exposes plan to take over America

Here is just a sample of Trevor’s recent media appearances:

Some photos of Trevor:

Trevor Loudon with Glenn Beck
Trevor Loudon with Glenn Beck on an episode that aired March 9, 2015
Trevor Loudon interviewing Mike Huckabee
Trevor Loudon interviewing Mike Huckabee
Trevor Loudon interviewing Senator Ted Cruz
Trevor Loudon interviewing Senator Ted Cruz
Trevor interviewing with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy at CPAC 2016
Trevor interviewing with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy at CPAC 2016
Trevor Loudon speaking at the opening of Ted Cruz's campaign office in Des Moines, Iowa
Trevor Loudon speaking at the opening of Ted Cruz’s campaign office in Des Moines, Iowa

Trevor Loudon at the American Freedom Alliance‘s June 2018 Heroes of Conscience Dinner with Catherine Engelbrecht and James Damore. Watch the video that featured Trevor Loudon:

Trevor being interviewed at a local news station in Iowa
Trevor digs deep in the archives of libraries across the globe to find the research he uses for his books and movies.

Trevor has traveled to every state in the continental United States, where he speaks at large and small gatherings of patriots. Here is a sample:

NOTE: Logistics information here.

Trevor is also the founder and editor of, a rapidly growing website with the goal of unlocking the covert side of U.S. and Global politics.

Follow Trevor on Facebook and Twitter. Send Trevor an email at

15 thoughts on “Book Trevor Loudon for your Event!

  1. Hi Trevor

    we, the Grassroots Tea Party Activists of Arizona have had you in a few times to speak over the past several years. We connected thru Brad Zinn;
    Am I to understand you are now living in Arizona?

    Don’t know if you still charge a fee or not. Is it just a donation? or a set fee?

    We’d love to have you come in again this year, 2023, to speak to the group. We now use an iHop at 4201 W. Bell Rd, Phoenix, Az. We’ve had upwards of 50 people in the meeting room. We do have access to a building that will hold upwards of about 100 people if need be.

    I will also contact Brad Zinn for more details. Please let me know specifics for your specific engagements. We meet on Wednesday nights but could make a special evening ie Friday or Saturday.

    Thanks Trevor

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Kent, Trevor will be at the Lake Marion Ballroom, rural Brownton, MN. 11431 Hwy 15. This Monday, May 8, 2023. Doors open @ 6 pm, program @ 6:30 to 8:30 pm. No charge, a collection will be taken to cover expenses for venue, beverages and Trevor. We have lots of room, please bring car loads to this event!
      Sandy J is the main organizer, her landline number is 320 587-6687 if you have more questions. It’s south of Hutchinson maybe 5 or 6 miles, McLeod County. On Lake Marion. About an hour or so from western Mpls suburbs. Hope you get this and come out. Disappointed in Trevor’s website, he doesn’t give his schedule. Diane

      1. I just learned Trevor will be in Brainerd, St Augusta (St Cloud) Le Center. No other info. Must be this week.

  2. will Trevor be in the Atlanta metro area in the future……I live north of there in Gwinnett co. please let me know

    doug jones

  3. I too am seeking an opportunity to Trevor about paying a visit to Naples Florida to speak to the most Conservative County in all of Florida who had a 92% GOP voter turnout last election. It’s a very conservative group in need of Trevor’s message. Please advise when Trevor may like to visit SW Florida/Naples anytime from December through March/April of 2022. Thank you,

    Scott Schultz

  4. Please thank Trevor for coming to Denver and Glenwood Springs, Colorado last week! Although I’ve followed him for years on radio and TV, seeing him in public was wonderful! We were fortunate to meet him and Katie Hopkins as they arrived at the Hotel Colorado and visit with them briefly. I could have asked Trevor many questions after his lecture, but I didn’t want to “hog” him from the others. I applaud all he’s doing and I hope he gets more appearances on TV and in person to counteract and tell the truth about what the Left and its many factions are coordinating to destroy America. The other side is SO loud, and the media are assisting them.

    I’m glad he’s reaching so many people. I wish his identification of the Communists in our US Congress would become more well known and publicized. I hope more conservatives get on his “bandwagon” of his plan for the US.

    Thank Trevor for me, please, that he came to such small audiences here in Colorado. We need to get him back to larger ones in the not-so-distant future!

  5. My name is Brenda Cash Marek. I sent you an email using an email address from your web site. I will repeat it here so that I have a better chance to reach you. I alsosent an email to your KiWi site and it was returned undeliverable.
    Message:: I am Brenda Cash Marek, I am a 6th generation Texan, a member of the Republican Women of the Yoakum Area, and the Lavaca County Republican Party. There are 23 counties in my State Senate District. All of these counties come to meet quarterly. We are hosting this meeting here in Lavaca County on April 10, and we will discuss and put your plan in to place, to be carried to the State Republican Party to adopt for all Senate Districts in Texas.

    I really need to speak with Mr. Loudon as soon. Here is my contact information.

    Brenda Cash Marek
    79 CR 342A
    Shiner, Tx 77984
    cell 361-772-1442. home line 361-594-4258
    prefer cell use or text.

    Thank You god Bless Texas and America


  7. Dear Trevor,
    This is Robert Uhls. I spoke as a Gold Star last night at the Tampa Bay Trump Club. It was nice visiting with you for a bit. Thank you so much for your work on behalf of our country. I so appreciate what you do. If I can ever help you with any research projects/queries, please don’t hesitate to call. I would be honored to help!!

    My direct cell # is 407-973-9730.

    May God Bless You and keep you safe.

    Merry Christmas,

    Robert Uhls

  8. Is there a way you can post your lectures that are open to the public?
    My Vietnam-Veteran hubby and I are MOST interested and know many others who are as well.
    Thank YOU !!!

  9. Just watched an April 2019 talk on your upcoming film ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH.
    do you have any plans to come to Boston.
    I am sure you could have friends here.
    How could I make this happen?

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