Posted in International Middle East News


By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Begin at the 5:39 mark. The Soufan Center has advised the following in part: • Various plans under discussion between…

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Posted in Economics International Liberty News Socialism/Communism


By: Linda Goudsmit | Pundicity Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [upcoming release March/2024] Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into…

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Posted in International Middle East News Socialism/Communism

The Isolation And Destruction Of Israel

By: Cliff Kincaid It was sad, even pathetic, to see Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu embracing President Biden on his arrival in Israel. But the…

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Posted in Enemies Within International Satanic

Deductive Reasoning: Establishing a Beachhead (Conclusion)

By: Thomas Wigand Deductive Reasoning: “Reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts.” – Cambridge Dictionary KNOWN FACT: God is…

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Posted in Economics Enemies Within International

Deductive Reasoning: Could the D.A.V.O.S.-CCP Axis Be Plotting a Debt-Trap Takeover of the United States?

By: Thomas Wigand Deductive Reasoning: “Reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts.” – Cambridge Dictionary KNOWN FACT: Whether through…

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Posted in International News Socialism/Communism

Putin Is Impressed By The American Gestapo

By: Cliff Kincaid CNN reports that the Biden administration is preparing to impose additional sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Who…

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Posted in Europe International News

Could Crimea Soon Be Free Of Russian Occupation/Annexation?

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Just a few days ago… France24: The UN General Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution urging Russia to end its “temporary…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific International Latin America News

Cuba And China: ‘Havana Syndrome’ Was Caused By Directed Microwave Radiation

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code 3 -4 years? Source: A NEW REPORT BY the United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, has found that…

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Posted in International News Socialism/Communism

Moscow Seems To Habitually Poison Dissenters

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Novichok is a series of nerve agent weapons developed as part of a secret Soviet program and continued once the…

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Posted in 2020 Election International Middle East News Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

The “October Surprise” Confrontation With Russia

By: Cliff Kincaid The positive news of a Russian coronavirus vaccine, the first in the world, comes as a Russian opposition leader was poisoned with a…

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Posted in International Latin America Middle East Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

4 Tankers Headed To Venezuela, Stopped By US

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code MIAMI — The Trump administration has seized the cargo of four tankers it was targeting for transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela, U.S. officials…

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Posted in International New Zealand Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

It’s Spreading! Marxist Australian Greens Leader Adopts ‘Green New Deal’

By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times Adam Bandt, the newly elected Marxist leader of the Australian Greens, has committed his party to an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez style “Green…

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Posted in Enemies Within International Mark of the Beast Satanic Social Movements Uncategorized

Are We Being “Auto-Enrolled” into the Mark of the Beast?

Cross posted from: Revelation 13:14 – 13:18 14  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he…

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Posted in International News

Russia’s Hypersonic Nuclear Explosions

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code It appears there have been at least two explosions. Several are dead, several are injured and total evacuations of nearby…

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Posted in Illegal Immigration International Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

Obama’s Aunt Ordered Deported, Remember?

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Auntie Zeituni was ordered to leave the country in 2003, but she stayed. Later that year, she tried to stay…

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