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The Enemies Within
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Copyright © 2024 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
*** Please sir, can you do an Epoch Times episode on the C C P & UN and how C C P rig the UN from investigating crimes against humanity. For example, the C C P evaded UN criticism of its malicious & deliberate management & intent to export COVID Wuhan Flu when the C C P played-down it was contagious and locked down Beijing to protect themselves with their agenda to infect the world. The reason the UN is powerless is because the C C P has bribed the African countries who make up considerable voting power.
You can even go back into History when the Black Plague originated from China which is the reason the Ottomans shut down the Silk Road (The Roman empire procured silk worms so they did not need to depend on China which made China extremely angry, shortly after that the black plague spread though the silk road)
(an episode such as this will be the jewel in the crown or the “theory of geo-political relativity” of Freedom vs Totalitarianism in the present tense that will join all of your other episodes together on how the West is being misled by the New Woke Order in the west with the help of dictator supporters)
Other examples of how the C C P have evaded UN criticism include Tibet, Falon Gong, Xing Jiang Uyghurs, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The C C P attempted bribing of Pacific island security pact that back fired would have cemented C C P as the most influential dictatorship, The UN not willing to participate in that conversation because the issue with Pacific Islands is the West’s lack of action on climate change because the C CP are the biggest polluters of most Western democracies combined.
viva Freedom!
Greetings Trevor,
I tried to leave a message in your Contact form above but this is the message I get when I try to send it.
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Thank you for fighting and God Bless,
Janell Sterner
thank you for the extraordinary effort and research to produce the film ” the enemy within the church”.
Unfortunately, the simple process of watching a video turned out to an excercise of keyboard combat. I was able to view segments seemlessly, but the majority of the time i listened to audio with a blurred title screen.
Honestly, I have never in my life experienced such a unfunctional navigation system. Sorry but I will object to paying for the film with my credit card company and will avoid any future productions.
PS know that you trailer of the film was flawless. In the future I will rely on those to keep me informed of your very valuable work
A word of thanks for the great video Trevor did with Curtis Bowers titled “The World Communist Revolution”. Agenda Weekly released the video on Feb 18, 2022.
Hi from the bloke in the blue shirt in front of you at the Port Charlotte GOP lunch last Tuesday.
I was pleased to hear you, and to hear that you have a number of things that we could do. I would like a list of them, please, because, as you could tell, I’m more interested in DOING SOMETHING than about hearing WHAT HAS BEEN DONE.
I’m all ears.
Gene McPherson
Thank you for your faithful work on behalf of American liberty and rule of law, which impacts most of the world, since D.C. has been the world’s lawless hegemon…now competing for top Communist billing with the CCP.
I founded and lead Tactical Civics™- the ONLY full-spectrum, lawful, peaceful, long-term solution to the 160-year-long incremental overthrow of our government by American Communism.
After the Russiagate, Shampeachment, BLM/Antifa, Plandemic, and VoteSteal crimes, We The People are graduating from rallies and parades to long-term responsibility. You can see our flags flying from homes and trucks in 250 counties and we are adding more counties daily.
Tactical Civics™ is a new way of life; a Christian organization that is recruiting, training, supporting & organizing Americans to:
– Build membership in a chapter in each county or county equivalent in these united States;
– Get our Grand Jury and Militia Ordinances passed in each county where we can;
– Finish ratifying the First Right in our Bill of Rights, breaking the U.S. House into small districts
– Bring Congress Home; the world’s first distributed legislature, under our watchful eye
– Deploy the Indictment Engine™ app to stop legislation violating the Constitution
– Launch Tactical Civics TV reality television channel; 288 episodes per year
– Via 19 Reform Laws, scrape back all we’ve lost to DC organized crime
We walk newbies through how to launch their TACTICAL CIVICS™ county chapter. They learn accurate civics in our dozen free books, videos, and hundreds of teaching memes and podcasts. They begin to spread the good news, all chapters in each state teaming up together for moral support. We also have a national social media channel in our Tactical Civics™ Training Center.
Rallies, marches, letter-writing, complaining online, and voting (hah!) can never substitute for law enforcement. We have county chapters growing from Washington State to Florida; we’re taking America back from criminals and we invite all serious-minded, repentant Americans to join us in taking responsibility.
The only lawful, peaceful way to do this is via We The People’s two pre-constitutional institutions of law enforcement also clearly stipulated in that highest Law: Grand Jury and Militia. In each county. Deployed together, in close coordination. Alas, the ‘militia movement’ has made a pariah of actual, constitutional Militia; so we are restoring the institution. But first, we teach basic civics and help each county chapter become the bearer of good news across that county and those adjoining it.
Again, thank you for doing yeoman’s duty as an ‘honorary American’. Your efforts are not in vain.
David M. Zuniga
Founder, AmericaAgain! Trust and Tactical Civics™
This is a personal message to Trevor. When using names and terms from other languages please consult someone who knows the pronunciation or use a pronunciation web site. In your videos you have repeatedly mentioned a German organization named “Die Linke” (The Left) and you pronounce it “Dye Link-ee”. It reduces your credibility every time you do this. The proper pronunciation is “Dee Link-eh”. You can actually hear the sound of it at this URL:
February 4, AD 2022
Hello Mr. Loudon,
My name is Richard Treitz. I am chairman of the deacons at Friendship Baptist Church in Campbellsville, KY, which is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. I heard you speak in Lexington, KY in 2020, and more recently I watched your video titled Enemies Within the Church.
I shared the video with my church’s pastor, and we want to share your information with our congregation. Before we do that, I need to ask you or Cary Gordon whether or not you requested an interview with Dr. Albert Mohler for his response to the allegations made in your video by Professor Fuller? Or are you aware if Dr. Mohler has responded in any form or fashion to these claims that Professor Fuller made?
My pastor and I believe it would be the responsible thing to allow Dr. Mohler the opportunity to respond.
Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
Richard Treitz
Suggestion for a topic: Does Russia still have an institute for training, has it oursourced it to WEF, where does the WEF fit within the Russia plan.
The US Funding of communist nations did not begin in 1980.
Hi Trevor,
Do you have any insight on if the LDS church is involved in communism/globalism?
Thanks for all of your work!
Hello Mr. Louden,
I learned from enemy within how critical the election of 2016 was.
I recently purchased the online version of Enemies within the Church. After pausing it I wasn’t able to resume. Please fix this or return my money.
Thank you
Dean Newell
I recently published a two part series about the cultural, Marxist phenomenon of burning ideas.
Considering your research on the radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics, I thought you might want to check the articles out.
I hope you enjoy them and feel free to share if you find them noteworthy!
Kawika (ka-vee-ka) Miles Black
While in D.C. were you inducted into the Masonic Lodge?
Are you a Freemason in the Grand Lodge of New Zealand?
PLEASE CONSIDER: with regard to Enemies Within, you are missing one thread — the relentless church too attacks — they took out catholics first, now they are after sbc. want to know how it happens, i know — my family targeted. this is how the marxists take out their enemies within
Dear Team & editors of,
This is Brian and I am writing this email regarding the Guest Post Opportunity.
So let us know did you accept the guest post article on your blog or not. If yes then just revert back to us so I can share few ideas with you which increase your target niche & traffic on the website.
If you already doing Paid Guest Posting then please let us know your price with Do Follow backlink for the same.
Waiting for your response.
Thank You
Best Regards
Brian Quinn
Hello from New Zealand,
Any chance you can please pass this on to Trevor Loudon for me from a fellow Kiwi.
Trevor, I’m an retired NZ Police Detective who has seen the horrors of the NZ family courts, and the destruction of family and a fathers access to his children.
I was detained down here recently = held in solitary confinement for 105 days, spending a total 160 days in prison and 55 days in a psych ward before walking away with no criminals convictions and never having been treated or medicated for any mental health issues.
Free Speech down here is gone. Rights to have a differing opinion to government is now classified as a “Delusion” despite having differing political beliefs is not grounds for detention under the act.
After my experience , where I saw Incompetence harming so many good people, I created Reputation Guardian and the Truthpass digital wallet.
Today it is GOOD law abiding people who are under direct attack, and who are the most vulnerable to what is happening.
Reputation attacks, by way of gas lighting is Psychological abuse and harm.
Reputation attacks by way of psychological abuse are a feminine gender tactic to destroy someone – most often used by women, and sometimes men.
Narcissistic harm is driven by the emotion of ENVY – and today Envy has been weaponised against good people – Karl Marx – Envy is a powerful weapon.
A total lack of experience today is seeing many good people being harmed – in our case no one authenticated complaints, no one checked motive, and no once checked the mental health or medication status of those who lied about me – my family and I went through hell to prove the TRUTH. Multiple police raids, and searches terrorising my wife and children.
Sadly in CIVIL law any lie will be acted on – and you are guilty until you can prove you are innocent in Civil law cases – so again its almost impossible to prove this from behind bars or locked away in a medical facility while being threatened with forced medication.
I got out, but many will not – and again this was WHY I created TRUTHPASS – to help good people protect themselves from abuses of power and incompetence.
The TRUTH set me FREE.
The Truth of the many destroyed the lies of the Few.
Nick Preece
Hi Trevor
Greetings from New Zealand
I am currently trying to wake up fellow kiwis to the current NWO takeover with mixed results. If possible can you please give me a afew tips to wake people also can you recommend any books on say agenda 2030 etc that may sway them.
Ardern has an iron like grip on people’s minds here it is frightening.
Love your work
Best Regards
Hi Trevor,
Any comment/advice regarding this “global protest”/”official SOS” organized by Reignite Democracy Australia? There is a YouTube video (not sure how long until YT takes it down though) sparking quite a bit of interest (roughly 100K views in 24 hours); asking viewers to protest at their nearest Australian Consulate. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I’d like to do whatever I can; tyranny is sickening.
How can I thank you…..I can not thank you enough saw counter punch on Stacy Abrams we know who she is …they know who she is .but the rest are blinded….I have become a true follower of yours !!!!!!!! now I just need to get this information to the RIGHT people. I just hope the Gwinnett Co. Republican party has not been infiltrated by socialist or even left leaning people. thank you for the info……now it is up to us to deliver it to the blind and somewhat dumb. again thank you thank you thank you.
ps Lets go Brandon
Hey Trevor – Did you know the Texas communists you showcase in your new video, are actors in a prime-time TV commercial for Amazon? Bezos, a long-time marketeer for the CCP is now openly advertising for employees (communist converts) to work at Amazon a) set their own hours b) get free tuition c) elaborate benefits c) liberal vacation packages — sound like Russia?
Hi Susan
I’m from Texas and am interested in more details. I’ve been tracking the CCP expansion in Texas and thought bezos was somehow tied in. If this what you are saying is true I’d like to see it.
Hi Trevor, I saw your video about our commie PM. I will be sending it to Alan Jones of Sky News Australia.
I have already emailed Miranda Devine now in the US. I have not heard back yet.
Your video is getting distributed in NZ. However, I think getting it broadcast on Sky News or Fox would be far more effective in getting rid of the communist government.
Would you please email me back so we can discuss some more ideas privately.
Kind regards
Hi Trevor,
I am currently living in North Canterbury NZ.
I have just watched your video Kiwi Crisis and will distribute it as much as possible.
You have confirmed what we have suspected for quite a few years.
The issue now is how to stop the crisis.
Very, very concerned citizen
Good morning, just a heads up. When I google and click on the hot link it sends me to a pharmaceutical site. Same thing for Diamond and Silk’s website.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
I really appreciate all the work you do and you presentation on Counter Punch. You break things down and build relationships to those like me who was never aware of all of this going on behind our backs.
I really wonder if American’s would really start to pay closer attention and hopefully become more proactive if they knew what would happen to their savings and pensions and jobs if the CCP were to take over the USA. So far I have not been able to find any video on Epoch Times or anywhere else that addresses what would the American financial industry look like and what would happen to peoples money.
Any chance you could address that issue in one of your videos. I believe that if Americans were given the opportunity to see what would happen they would get more involved.
Also any ideas n how I /we can help to push congress and the legislative branch to have to have background checks. Do you have those involved to the CCP and their relationships available in written form so that we could copy and spread the word to make people see that it is real????
Again, thanks for all that you and the epoch times has taught me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Diane Bowman
Hi Trevor,
Great article and interview with Brannon! After hearing your radio episode w/Brannon, I have a suggestion with regards to the b0yc0tt/b u y c0t t.
Could you coordinate and facilitate a nationwide b-c0tt with Brannon, Mike L, Gen McI ner ney, Gen F l y n n? You all have large followings and are in the limelight. We, the people, have limited reach and are often working separately instead of getting under 1 big umbrella. P a t r i 0ts *are trying* to get under 1 umbrella, but are having a hard time. For example, I’m part of 3 different p-a-t-r-i-o-t ic groups. They want the same things and some of the members overlap, but they’re not under 1 umbrella as you suggest.
You and the above people I mentioned could help unite and coordinate these things because y’all have far greater reach than our individual organizations. I know Brannon has connections to these guys, so I thought I’d make the suggestion in hopes of them & you announcing the monthly b-c0tt [of whichever company, on whichever month] whenever y’all have interviews, podcasts, or y’all could post on your websites, etc I believe y’all could greatly unite people. As your viral article shows, people clearly, are starving for what they can do, and they’re looking to people in the limelight for ‘march ing 0r ders’ so to speak.
I also sent Brannon an email with this suggestion.
Thanks for all you do,
Lauren Reeves
Hi Trevor,
My name is Arthur Tane from the other side of the pond. I’ve heard you several times now on the Steve Bannon radio program. I’ve enjoyed listening to your insights.
I head in Canberra a organization called The Council on Middle East Relations. Our website is Part of our work is exposing communist influence throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
Given what is happening in our region with CPC operatives running free from any pushback, we are naturally gravelly concerned.
Cheers and best regards
Arthur Tane
The Council on Middle East Relations
GPO Box 1885
Canberra 2601