About Us: Meet the Team

Trevor Loudon (editor)

Editor-in-Chief Trevor Loudon

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.

Trevor Loudon’s thesis is that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements. The Democratic Party’s consistent defunding of the US military, support of open borders, sexualization of children, the climate change agenda, pipeline shutdowns and many other anti-American policies are all consistent with communist goals.

Trevor Loudon believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization.

Some of Trevor Loudon’s accomplishments:

Trevor Loudon’s research has given him unique insight into how extensively often-minuscule communist parties have been able to manipulate, and even control policy formation in many Western countries – particularly the “main enemy:” the United States of America. Loudon’s research shows that this is not just a historical problem, but is a very grave and looming threat which will not only impact America’s national security but indeed her very survival.

Trevor proudly serves as a fellow at both the American Freedom Alliance and the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought.

Some photos of Trevor:

Trevor at CPAC 2016
Trevor at CPAC 2016
Trevor Loudon with Glenn Beck
Trevor Loudon with Glenn Beck on an episode that aired March 9, 2015
Trevor Loudon interviewing Mike Huckabee
Trevor Loudon interviewing Mike Huckabee
Trevor Loudon interviewing Senator Ted Cruz
Trevor Loudon interviewing Senator Ted Cruz
Trevor interviewing with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy at CPAC 2016
Trevor interviewing with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy at CPAC 2016
Trevor Loudon speaking at the opening of Ted Cruz's campaign office in Des Moines, Iowa
Trevor Loudon speaking at the opening of Ted Cruz’s campaign office in Des Moines, Iowa

Trevor is also the founder and editor of KeyWiki.org, a rapidly growing website with the goal of unlocking the covert side of U.S. and Global politics.

Follow Trevor on Facebook and Twitter.

Booking Inquiries: trevor.newzeal@gmail.com

Renee Nal is a political junkie and driven prolific writer. A relentless truth-seeker, her main objectives are to exposeRenee media and academic bias.

Follow Renee on Facebook.

Renee also works for KeyWiki.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is a Constitutional Conservative and she blogs at NoisyRoom.net. NoisyRoom is a Conservative blog that focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. The blog currently has a viewership of between 2 and 3 million visitors a month and is frequently featured by other leading blogs and the media.

Her writing and blogging are based primarily on Conservative issues and her research focuses on exposing those who would subvert the Constitution and the intentions of the founding fathers. Driven by a need to uncover the truth and the connections between those that would forever change the American way of life and the Constitutional principles that America was founded upon, Terresa is dedicated to exposing Progressives wherever they may hide.

Terresa specializes in research and editing. Her background is in accounting, management information systems and Constitutional law. She is an author and has written many conservative columns. She has also worked with numerous political organizations and candidates during her career as well as CPA firms, law firms and upper-tier executives.

She is also the CEO and owner of Monroe Virtual Services, an executive virtual assistant firm. She also does research for KeyWiki.org.

24 thoughts on “About Us: Meet the Team

  1. Have tried repeatedly this year to subscribe, but even when it looks successful, your blog does not get sent. This time repeated tries yielded a Google message:
    “400. That’s an error. The server cannot process the request because it is malformed. It should not be retried. That’s all we know.”

    When I try to post this it won’t let me, giving me a message that it is a duplicate comment that I have already posted!

  2. Have tried repeatedly this year to subscribe, but even when it looks successful, your blog does not get sent. This time repeated tries yielded a Google message:
    “400. That’s an error. The server cannot process the request because it is malformed. It should not be retried. That’s all we know.”

  3. Hi Trevor, I need an address other than internet to report recent purchase of books.
    Please provide me something, even a PO Box.

  4. Trevor & team. I was contacted by an OK State Rep today seeking info on Matt Daniels who says he came from MLK Civil Rights Group but has now started his own group called “Good for All”. We are searching for information and asking if anyone among you knows anything about these people. They are targeting schools to teach civil disobedience. Thank you and God bless you and your work,

  5. Hi Trevor. I’m attempting to reach you to see your availability to speak in Naples, Florida, in Collier County (the most conservative county in all of Florida that had a 92% GOP turnout last election. It’s a very conservative place with many major donors for the GOP at all levels. Is it possible you’ll be stateside any time between now and Dec. 2022? We’d love to hear your presentation, and of course book sales will be strongly encouraged. Please let me know as soon as you can.

    Scott Schultz

  6. Hi Trevor. I just read your article about Biden stealing the election the old fashioned way. I want to post it. Do you have an answer as to how to combat this. I’ve watched it unfold in America and my home state. I want to know what I can do to help fight it.

  7. I had read on the Epoch Times that the CCP uses Canada as their testing ground to build programs which they later distribute into the US. For years now I have been seeing community programs that strikingly resemble Communist controls in Canada. Now with the CCP virus these controls are mirrored within the federal government. And it is roomer ed that in 2021 there will be forced detention camps for people who test positive for the CCP virus. Our Prime Minister idolizes the control the CCP exercises and is using it to force green energy and to strip Canada of freedoms

    1. I’ll take someone who promotes America First from anywhere! Trevor is honest, forthright, and speaks the truth!

    2. Yep – too bad very few American “leaders” are promoting America first!

  8. I just read your article on China’s State Power Caucus, this is terrifying. Communists never Stop their assault on Freedom. Thank You We will be subscribing.

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