Beset with opposition on every side, from Beirut, Tehran, to Moscow, Cairo, the West Bank and the White House, Israel also has to contend with its internal enemies.
Like every Western nation, Israel has a large and growing leftist “5th column.”

From the Communist Party USA’s People’s World:
The Israeli Knesset (Parliament) is convening a special session to figure out how to respond as unprecedented protests sweep the country against budget cuts, the skyrocketing cost of housing and other basics, and growing inequality.
On Saturday evening, nearly 300,000 Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv alone, chanting “The people demand social justice,” Israeli news media reported. (Considering Israel’s tiny population of about 7.5 million, that would equate to about 12 million people protesting in Washington.) Another 30,000 demonstrated in Jerusalem, and thousands more around the country.
It followed three weeks of steadily mounting protests, involving workers, retirees, students and professionals from across Israeli’s political spectrum, including Jews, Arabs and others. Tent cities have been set up in the heart of Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, echoing the “Arab Spring” movement in Egypt…
Among protests last Friday, Haaretz reported, were dozens of people from the Western Galilee – including Jewish, Arab and Druze activists who created tent encampments in the region.
Gadi Shabtai, one of the leaders of the protest there, said it was clear that most Western Galilee residents support the protest. Shabtai said the issues go beyond the lack of housing and include the high cost of living overall, from the price of electricity to dairy products and other foods…
“A boycott last month of cottage cheese to protest rising prices for an Israeli staple appears to have been a symptom of widespread economic discontent that the housing protests also are tapping into,” JTA says…
The research center has previously reported on the heavy economic price Israelis are paying for the continuing occupation of the Palestinian West Bank. Today’s protesters are well aware that while they are being priced out of housing, the government is subsidizing housing for Israeli settlers in the occupied Palestinian West Bank…
On Monday, protest leaders, including leaders of social organizations and student and youth groups, circulated a joint Vision Document, Haaretz reported. It says, “For a number of decades, the various governments of Israel have opted for an economic policy of privatization that leaves the free market without reins. This economic policy … has become our daily existence – a war for survival to subsist with dignity.”
Haaretz reported that “dozens” of nonprofit and social organizations will hold an emergency conference Wednesday. Giora Rozen, head of Israel’s umbrella organization of non-profit groups, said that “there can’t be a solution without dealing with Israel’s poor population together with civil society organizations.”
One protest organizer, Gil Sasson, told Ynet News: “We have here an unprecedented collective awakening; we are witnessing a people sobering up …. what started as a battle for affordable housing has turned into a protest movement that is snowballing and is now aiming for a system-wide change.”
Similar protests in Iran and Syria are met with tanks, machine guns and the torture chamber – a thought obviously lost on the Israeli left.
Hello New Zeal, I’m from Israel.
The Socialist Red-Green stormy revoulution this blog among others
has reported of, emerged in Israel, there was always a radical left in Israel, But in the last deceade or so, it has been organised by an Soros Alike organization name New Israel Fund, this fund finnace and teach many radical left and communists organizations, and the connection between most of them is the will to see Israel end as a Jewish state.
In the last two weeks they are gatherd together in a coordinate attack against the israeli government, in order to destroy the Jewish state, and form an Arab state in the country. this people using the rising cost of living, a concern of the middle class, and that is how they manage to perfom a look a like mass demnostrations. Most of the Mass Media outlets are backing up these attempts in ordrer to blind the people from the real problem – the huge control of a few rich families in most of the Israeli economy – Witch PM Netanyahu is fighing against!
they had for a few days the support of the Histadrut (the biggest labour union) until today when they figured out that behind the protests is a band of anarchists who want chaos in Israel, so even this socialist organization wont trust them and give it’s support.
but this organizations and it’s allys in the media are still in the game and spreading this fraud in order to make the government to make socialists harsh desicouns, witch will make the state much vulenrabele against the the Green-Red Obama-Iran-turky-Russia-Egeypt allyes.
There are few oragnizations how support this “demonstrations” apart this New Israel Fund, one of theme, is “Google Israel” (as i heard on the Radio from one of the (orginaizers).. i dont know why.
Factually this cobbled take from various dailies is true, one cannot ignore the fact that underneath this latter day Israeli Woodstock, there is a sinister attempt to once again instigate a neat putch (overthrow). During the first contentious premiership of Nathanyahou (1996-1998), Bill Clinton dispatched his two odious henchmen, Stan Greenberg (Democratic pollster), and CNNs Carville, also known as ET, for his look as an alien. Both set shop at the Dan Hotel and crafted a message for “caviar Socialist freeloader” Ehoud Barak, a chosen successor to Yitzhak Rabin, because Bibi did not play ball with the debauched president. here we have another alien president, who dislikes Bibi, and through European NGO’s and various methods is funneling resources to help a segment of the public topple an elected premier. Suddenly, thousands of Israelis, who did not see a tent since they left the IDF own and live in identical looking tents. No one in the Israeli media, bothered to inquire with the tents suppliers who placed and who paid for the bulk orders. Just like the media did not care to find out before the 2008 election who was the real Obama, here, no one cares to know who is behind this movement, which has without a doubt many legitimate complaints. From what I see on Israeli T.V and the Israeli dailies, I believe, that there is a coordinated effort between Mrs. Tzipi Livni’s Kadima party (favored by Mme. Clinton) and the remanents of the crushed Labor party. I cannot explain who paid for what, who networked the clever organizers, how it all came together, but this is a unique moment in history for Israel, the imploding left is able to make an incredible comeback because the media in Israel is doing zip, to find out more what is behind this whole phenomenon. Without a doubt, it is a disgrace that the same folks who complain about human rights, extermination of a race, etc, will march with a banner depicting an Argentine butcher who eliminated thousands of Cuban who simply belonged to the ruling or middle class after the 1958 revolution. It also explains how bad the education of the new Israelis is, because none would know about it, most were born a generation after the massacres occurred.
As in most cases the fringe groups of Anarchists, losers and misfits, merge with the ones who have reasonable demands and make the entire protest look like an off the wall Israeli Woodstock. Without a concrete proof, one may ask how come so many Israelis, who are supposed to be so poor, have the same tents, to sleep in? Who supplied these accessories to so many Israelis?
One should recall that in 1997-1998, a Democratic U.S President, Bill Clinton was unhappy with the Israeli prime Minister, Bibi, and sent his muscle from his 1992 campaign, to engineer a victory for the “caviar socialist” Ehood Barak. Democratic polling expert Stan Greenberg and CNN’s ET, the raging Cajun, set shop at the Dan Hotel, Tel Aviv, polled the public, got results, crafted a phony message and helped Barak win. This was a U.S engineered putch! (Overthrow) It was hoped that he will give Bill Clinton the peace agreement he wanted before his departure. Clinton, like other democratic presidents, relied on his “charm and talent” (Obama and Iran? Roosvelt and Stalin) to produce new reality.He hoped Yasser Arafat, the master terrorist head of state who visited the White House more than any other head of state will come through. Charm did not work, Clinton left with the White House with the pardons to criminals and the house sliver and the situation only got worse. Presently we have a compromised middle class, veterans, educated people who deserve more. Israel has significant problems of poor resources allocation. Too much is spent on the regions that were taken during the defensive war of June 1967. (This writer served in uniform). But in my opinion, through the numerous NGO’s, mainly European financed groups,(keeping the U.S at distance from the treasonsous activities) seething with hatred, inept Israeli traitors (Labor, Kadima), they took help and money in order to topple Bibi. The man is cold, mainly interested in remaining in power. He never had a good feel for the ordinary citizen. But to see another U.S encouraged putch (overthrow) in one generation is a bit rich. If the U.S and its naughty allies screw one of its better supporters, what would the other countries think of their prospects?
“Useful Idiots” and most of them do not realize how bad they are being used; or the fact of that if the socialist-progressives do get power over the land, they will likely be the first put to the wall and shot.