Tag: protests
The Movers and Shakers Behind the Ferguson Riots
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton NoisyRoom.net The Ferguson riots are not what they seem and those behind them are professionals. One of the top organizers of the…
Fast Food Marxism Supersized
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton NoisyRoom.net Marxist food workers of the US unite! Correct me if I’m wrong here, but when I was a kid, fast-food jobs…
How Obama Truly Was Like Trayvon Martin
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media The Huffington Post has perfected the smear technique of expressing shock and anger at things that conservatives say which…
There’s No Truth In The News And No News In The Truth
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The Americans on FX As Trevor Loudon and I have discussed numerous times, the Cold War never went away… it merely…
The Islamic Pharaoh Rises
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leader, Morsi, last week played the propagandized diplomat abroad for the masses. He claimed he was the one…
Montreal students join former Aveos workers in protest
NoisyRoom 85 arrests after violence erupts in Montreal Montreal student protest sees 85 arrested Occupy comes to Canada – precedes riots in US. And so…
Van Jones is back; 100,000 training for ‘non violent’ for the ’99% Spring’
NoisyRoom Read more at Glenn Beck…
FOX News Mocks Criminal #OWS Movement in 2011 Recap
NoisyRoom Read more at Gateway Pundit…
New Video Proof of Media Lies About UC Davis Protests
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media UC Davis Republicans have released a new video showing what actually transpired on the campus before some protesters were…
Meals, Toilets, and Marx for UC Davis Protesters
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media A campus conservative at UC Davis was so disgusted by slanted coverage of the Occupy movement that he reached…
Cornel West: Ultimate Push For Entitlements Will Be in ‘Fought in The Streets’ by Occupy Movement
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Read more at The Blaze…
The War on Police
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Rather than being victims of police brutality, a new video shows that Occupiers at UC Davis knew they were…
The entire Occupy movement summarized in one sign
By: Zombie The PJ Tatler Photojournalist El Marco has returned from a trip to New York during which he documented the final days of the…
Ex-Soviet Reports From Occupy LA
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Janet Meyerhoff Blaze Leon Weinstein: On the 94th anniversary of the Russian Revolution (November 7) an ex-Soviet visits Occupy LA to videotape…
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