No blogging for two weeks as I head off on overseas research trip.
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“Seek and ye shall find“
The Enemies Within
No blogging for two weeks as I head off on overseas research trip.
As usual, financial support via PayPal button at right is most welcome.
“Seek and ye shall find“
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
Ouch Exoshite!
I know you have read enough Mah comments to know that his main tactic is to attack someone for NOT stating their opposition to someone or something he dislikes. Example, if you comment on an issue from the middle east and do not include a disclaimer hating on Hizbollah, PLO, Al Qaeda and the rest, you WILL receive both barrels from him for not doing so.
So….I still do not see him denying his support for the dictator Pinochet's armed, brutal, murderous, blood bathed, right wing libertarian reforms of Chile having overthrown the democratically elected President.
"Dictators are dictators no matter what their ideology is mah90210, you support one dictator and not another but attack them for being a dictator, then be prepared to have your bigotry pointed out to you sonnyboy"
I don't see anywhere is his posts that MAH specificaly stated that he supported Pinochet.
Have you stopped beating your wife yet Loudoon?
Are your politics hurting someone?
Mah said: "you don't want any sort of debates at all, so you have such "ways" in dealing with people like me. That is to defame, lie and smear."
Mah also said: "you're quite an idiotic retard"
Go figure.
"Please stop talking "Loudoon"."
I know that in your perfect world, only people who agree with you would be allowed to talk, but where I come from, there is such a thing as limited freedom of speech. So as I already said, I will keep talking mah20910, because I can. Capeche?
"That is to defame, lie and smear."
I am not sure why you cannot comprehend this, but Ill try to reformat it in a different set of words that may get through to whatever it is in your head that creates your hybrid form of logic…
Its not defamation to take the piss out of someone EVEN MORE SO take the piss out of someone using a fake name…like yourself.
"But instead, you idiocitly associate Capitalism with the authoritarian strongman regime of Augusto Pinochet."
Dictators are dictators no matter what their ideology is mah90210, you support one dictator and not another but attack them for being a dictator, then be prepared to have your bigotry pointed out to you sonnyboy.
"Going around accusing people of the accusations you are making is just plain ridiculous, since you yourself cannot prove to anyone that you are nothing more than the accusations you are accusing people of."
Please stop talking "Loudoon". Certainly, you don't want any sort of debates at all, so you have such "ways" in dealing with people like me. That is to defame, lie and smear.
I'm sure you don't have any real life outside of here, quite sad actually. Maybe when you finally get your own place to live, actually have a real job and pay a good living you'd probably realize that Capitalism isn't such a bad idea after all.
But instead, you idiocitly associate Capitalism with the authoritarian strongman regime of Augusto Pinochet, but don't give a fair account that his foes were working for the KGB, and the Chilean Socialist Party prefers another totalitarian regime-Communist Cuba.
So stop trying to pretend you're against authoritarianism, and be something you're obviously not. Oh, btw, stop also getting my screen name wrong. This is another reason why I don't put out my real name, because I don't want people whom have no life like you coming around and threatening me.
"Mah90210 is correct and you are all wrong, only the right are allowed to use false names."
Mah does have a point – the left does spend nearly all its time hunting down right wingers and threatening them. There are countless examples but they've all been hushed up because the media is controlled by leftists, as is the government, as is the internet.
Some stories have slipped through though, remember Fernando Pereira, the Greenpeace guy killed by French agents, and Christine Clarke, killed on a picket line in Lyttleton, and Ernie Abbott, killed by a bomb planted by an anti-trade unionist in Wellington. Hang on – those were all leftists. It just goes to show – political murders only make the papers if it's leftists being killed.
Well, John Boscawen from ACT got a lammington squashed on his head. No wonder people like Mah are quaking in their boots at the thought of their identities becoming public.
Going around accusing people of the accusations you are making is just plain ridiculous, since you yourself cannot prove to anyone that you are nothing more than the accusations you are accusing people of.
That is why most normal people will not bother belittling an anonymous commenter or someone using a pseudonym. It gets worse when someone using a pseudonym…like yourself, attacks another pseudonym user for doing the same.
So get off your sanctimonious ass and try debate the issues instead…ok.
Knock it off "Loudoon". You're nothing but some loser in some basement whom has too much time on their hands.
Maybe if you get off welfare, get a job, and get with reality, you'd stop with this nonsense.
Mah90210 is correct and you are all wrong, only the right are allowed to use false names.
The reason is because if he were to give his real name, the left, who all conspire daily to hunt mah down and are full of assassins, terrorists, bomb-making tree huggers and homosexual fidel lovers who are apologists for al qaeda Palestinian terror, will call him nasty names.
Am I close Mah90210? You I got your back mate.
hoist by your own petard there Mah
Why should I put out my real name to people whom would probably threaten me?
Stop being such a shill for these obvious collectivistic losers.
"cowardly anonymous dolts"
mah 29001 is your real name is it?
Sam Buchanan
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Why does it seem like it's okay for you cowardly anonymous dolts to justify apologists for some murderious dictator like Fidel Castro in another blog entry, but attack anyone whom exposes the far left?
How pathetic that you hide behind your armchair analysis like that.
Do you have a job? Do you have a life? If the answer is no to these two things, you're simply quite the loser in some basement.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black there mah90210…and no my dissent will not be silenced by your totalitarianism.
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Hello mate, I want to thank you for this nice blog. Would you mind telling me some secrets for a succesful blog ? Which could attract some visitors than it normally does. Please come visit my site Adoption Agencies Directory when you got time.
Your problem Sam is that when you see the word 'proof' you assume Loudon is using it in the traditional sense of the word, as in factual proof.
Think proof of the 'esoteric' variety, and you may better understand why to Loudon and his bumchum Mah90210, standing in front of a poster of Saddam Hussein automatically means you are a life member of Al Qaeda…
While you are away, perhaps you copuld think about those questions I keep asking and you keep ignoring – namely:
You repeatedly claimed the Save Happy Valley protest camp at the proposed mine site was illegal? What was illegal about it?
You repeatedly claimed Maire Leadbetter was wearing a "Tamil Tigers" T-shirt. On what basis did you make that claim?
Sam Buchanan
Trevor, your article in this months Investigate was the most honest and informed commentary on the apprenticeship issue I have seen in NZ
Well done mate.