David Farrar at Kiwiblog has tagged me to do an 8 point wish list for 2008.
Here it is. Forgive the little bit of cheating to fit it all in.
1 ACT gains enough seats in the 2008 election to have the option of forming a coalition government with National-without the Maori Party or NZ Future.
2 ACT leader Rodney Hide becomes Minister of Finance and presides over huge tax cuts and a dramatic reduction in the powers of the IRD. Housing prices continue to drop but the negative effects are ameliorated by the tax cuts.
3 ACT’s Heather Roy gets a well deserved Cabinet post, preferably Health.
4 Stephen Franks gets back into Parliament on the National banner and becomes Minister of…….Education.
5 An ACT/National coalition repeals the anti smacking legislation and the Electoral Finance Act.
6 The Green Party and NZ First both fall below 5% of the vote and are eliminated from Parliament. The Greens go back to organic farming and use Winston as compost.
7 The world wakes up to China’s intentions and boycotts the Olympic Games and issues a “touch Taiwan and you’re history” ultimatum. The NZ China Free Trade Deal fails.
8 Hillary beats Barack for the US Democratic nomination and is then soundly defeated by a Republican, preferably Ron Paul.
PS The NZ Warriors to finally win the National Rugby League Grand Final.
I tag Not PC, Whaleoil, Clint Heine, Lindsay Mitchell and Stephen Franks.
I agree re Stephen and Justice pdm.
Stephen would be great there and is sorely needed.
However education is a total mess and is sabotaging NZ’s future.
It’ll take someone with big ‘nads like Stephen to defeat the teachers unions and the bureaucrats.
Oops don’t not on’t.
Why not Franks for Attorney General or Justice – I see Franks and Findlayson as a formidable team in that area.
I on’t think Ryall will give Health away easily.
Finally I am with you 100% on No 6.