This is an interesting example of how the modern US Communist Party operates.
No more boring old Stalinists-now its slick, cool and oh-so “American”.
CNN gives the very personable and attractive Elena Mora-National Organizational Secretary of the CPUSA, a chance to propagandize for the easing of US sanctions against Castro’s Cuba.
The good stuff starts about a minute in.
What we need is a good session of mud wrestling between the Castroean Elena and the Pinochean Christine (the legs) Rankin to sort this mess out.
"You're not Libertarian if you support someone whom believes that a democracy should cozy up to a dictatorship like Cuba."
It's not libertarian to advocate cozying up to a dictatorship like Cuba, it is libertarian to support the right to advocate cozying up to a dictatorship like Cuba.
Sexy sandinistas.. you startin to sound like Ollie North Trevor- funny that- fascists don't like thinkin about that 'little' episode.
Nose candy anyone?
"Oh, where did I state I "admire" Pinochet? what you're promoting "Loudoon" is obvious libel. Stop it."
For some reason I got the feeling you supported pinochets libertarian reforms at the point of a gun. Perhaps I am wrong on that, but just so you know, its not libel to defame a fake name. Try it, you will never win a case in court using that as an argument.
"Your silence here shows all that I need to know where you are coming from."
Heh, oh if only you had silenced the Loudoon, but sorry mah91020, just had a bad snow and had to move the cows to the home paddock.
I know you want to drag this debate into your usual illogical mahtalk, but you will not divert me from your previous statement where you attack one leader for being a dictator but refuse to attack another like Pinochet who was also an extremely brutal dictator.
Before I will engage you on any other topic branching from this discussion Mah29102 I want you to state whether or not you supported the dictator Pinochet or not, or state your position on all dictators and stop making excuses for one dictator over another.
Your silence here shows all that I need to know where you are coming from. What you are stating is that it's fine for Latin America democracies to be corruptted and bought off by Communist Cuba, so long as their leaders of those democracies make the "right" changes.
Funny thing of you folks complain about the USA being the sort of democracy which money can buy. I guess that speaks the same deal with what you are supporting in Latin America. It's just that you agree with it more on what they are doing which is literally subverting their own countries into a Fascist/Communist-style state.
Perhaps one reason why I see you have a lot of hate for Pinochet and other strongarm tyrants whom formerly ruled Latin America is that they didn't use democracy to legitimize their rule. To me, a strongarm dictator like Pinochet and a democratic one like Comrade Hugo are two sides of the same coin.
Why is it okay for the victims of Pinochet, members of the Chilean Socialist Party to cozy up and prefer the totalitarian government being ruled by the Cuban Communist Party?
If they were fair promoters of democracy, they would have not flirted with supporting Communist Cuba nor support Chile's dark past with Pinochet. But sadly, they did not do the honest thing.
Oh, where did I state I "admire" Pinochet? what you're promoting "Loudoon" is obvious libel. Stop it.
To anonymous mah90210…
Perhaps if for a second you removed your blinders, you may see I was merely taking the piss (humour – or humor in americanese) out of your comment about 'dictators' when you have in the past offered support for dictators, like Pinochet who took power by force in a bloody coup. Again, I live to point out your hypocrisies…
I'm tired of your so-called "Libertarianism". You're not Libertarian if you support someone whom believes that a democracy should cozy up to a dictatorship like Cuba.
Your "vision" of what a Libertarian should be is that they should rather support rabid Leftist causes.
You know what "Loudoon" you're quite an idiotic retard to suggest that a "democracy" to you for Latin America includes those so-called democracies siding with an obvious totalitarian government like Communist Cuba.
It's just favoring one authoritarian regime over another, and the "democracies" you embrace rush to support Havana. How's that for being democratic? I guess authoritarian regimes are fine, so long as you agree with them.
Too true, Mr Loudoon. But what you fail to realise is that these 'spam' messages are actually orders sent from Red China to their agents in the NZ left, cleverly written in a language Trev and Mah 90210 won't understand.
mah2012 said: "Castro's a freakin dictator you coward anonymous dolts."
Yes, and we know just how much them communist leftists love them freakin dictors. We need to replace the dictator Castro with that democratically elected Pinochet, oh dash it, oops!
Sam we all know all about your one world agenda, we know all you anarchists ever want is a one world centralised dictatorship with Soviet Russia as this worlds capital….anyways I agree with the previous spam in mandarin…actionone aoone actionone!
柴犬 瑪爾濟斯 白蟻 除白蟻 白蟻防治 保健食品 樟芝 納豆 瑜珈 瑜珈教室
瑜珈補習班 高雄瑜珈 法拍 法拍屋 MOTEL 汽車旅館 高雄MOTEL 高雄汽車旅館 3M隔熱紙 大樓隔熱紙 汽車隔熱紙 隔熱紙 瑜珈教學 瑜珈教室 高雄瑜珈 法拍屋 地板拋光 居家清潔 清潔公司 旅行社 機票 會計事務所 法拍 法拍屋 墾丁一日遊 墾丁旅遊 墾丁旅遊網 高雄一日遊 高雄旅遊 高雄縣旅遊 阿里山旅遊 服飾批發 流行服飾 韓國服飾 日系服飾 看護 居家看護 看護中心 台中motel 台中住宿 台中汽車旅館 蛋糕 彌月蛋糕 乳酪蛋糕 巧克力 chocolate 塑膠棧板 棧板 白蟻 除蟲 跳蚤 除白蟻 白蟻防治 大陸新娘 外籍新娘 扭力板手 防爆工具 扭力校正器
"left wing are evil because their sole motive is nothing less than total control of people – using and disposing the populace as they see fit in their quest to create a so-called 'utopia'."
Absolutely. My only motivation is to take full control of the world, secure on my high-tech orbiting space station fully equipped with vintage champagne, pedigree cats and beautiful women I do nothing all day but plot and scheme. So quake with fear you tiny mortals.
I laugh at your pathetic attempts to expose me.
Nah ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Nyaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha …
Have a nice day (while you still can…)
Sam Buchanan
Castro's a freakin dictator you coward anonymous dolts.
Why celebrate something like that?
So says anonymous cowards who hide behind pseudonyms. Then again, communists have always been cowards; when it comes to getting things done they're all too happy to exploit the masses whilst they sit back in their chauffeur driven Zull, have access to a mount of hard currency and live in isolation away from the people they claim they represent.
Soviet Russia; where some are more equal than others.
Dam! Where can I sign up to become a commie!
Lefty chicks are always hotter than righties.
Kaiwai, don't forget lefties eat their own babies too.
How pathetic MZL; left wing are evil because their sole motive is nothing less than total control of people – using and disposing the populace as they see fit in their quest to create a so-called 'utopia'.
it's sad how you reduce people; anyone who left-wing is either a sucker or evil. a young, intelligent women who is concerned about social justice becomes a simple "cutie"