Further evidence of links between New Zealand anarchists, Maori radicals and Mexican revolutionaries.
From Sina Ana Brown-Davis’ Blog Whenua, Fenua, Enua, Vanua
A group of anarchists flew a Tino Rangatiratanga flag and distributed information about the Uruwera 17 for several hours on Saturday 27th October, in Mexicali city centre, in the lands of the Cucapa people.
Mexicali and Calexico are one city divided by an artificial line. A line that also divides many families and the lands of many indigenous peoples. This line is the border between the USA and Mexico, two countries which, like New Zealand, have histories of genocide and oppression of indigenous peoples that continue to this day.
One of the group, Alfredo Bonano, commented “As fellow people who want to make the world a better place, it’s our responsibility to support the different social struggles that exist on this planet. We are fighting against the systematic repression that governments worldwide are using against social movements.”
The Mexican government is currently holding hostage over 300 political prisoners and has an appalling record of systematically using murder, torture, and rape against people struggling for social change. The need for such change is obvious in this country, home to the richest person in the world, and millions of others who lack drinking water and basic food and medical needs.
Here in Mexico as in many other countries, multinational corporations and colonial or “post-colonial” governments continue killing and repressing indigenous peoples, stealing their lands and resources and desecrating their sacred spaces. But the indigenous peoples here continue to valiantly resist, from the famous Zapatistas in Chiapas, to others, less well-known and living in almost all of the states of Mexico.
Said another member of the group, Lucia Parsons, “As we continue our work in creating a new world free from oppression and exploitation, we send our love and support to all the political prisoners. You are not alone. We are continuing on the fight inspired by your strength and dedication, with dreams of your freedom in our hearts. (And tools to tear down prison walls in our hands)”