Day: October 26, 2007
Tariana Turia’s Marxist Mentor
Maori party founder and co-leader Tariana Turia is well respected across the political spectrum. Like her Party, Mrs Turia is very hard to pin down…
Indigenous People’s Struggles-Which Way Forward?
An indigenous rights supporter left this comment on this post. There is one significant problem with alot of your theories and such. Indigenous Peoples struggles…
Ultra Left Left Beats Hard Left at Ecan
While the recent local body elections were generally kind to forces of good, a socialist scored a key victory in my home town of Christchurch….
Tariana Turia On Bolshevik History and Sedition
On Wednesday, Maori Party leader Tariana Turiana spoke in Parliament on the repeal of the sedition laws. She used the occasion to note the 90th…
NCEA Chickens Coming Home to Roost?
Rigorous external exams are no longer the norm in our secondary schools. The “caring and feelgood” National Certificate of Educational Achiement has been with us…
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