By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | I Have The Truth
The commies have truly come out of the closet. The whole gang will be getting together in Chicago on June 9th thru the 11th. Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore, Danny Glover and Van Jones will be headlining the People’s Summit. Chicago is where the headquarters of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is located. They are still labeling themselves as progressives, but anyone with two functioning brain cells knows these are devout communists… comrades in arms. Thousands will join them to plot taking back America from President Trump and the Republicans. It will be one giant war room.
This should be common knowledge now and come as no surprise to anyone. Van Jones has a long, violent history of being a Marxist. Don’t believe his protestations that he has reformed, he hasn’t. Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist… in reality, he’s a communist and the current healthcare plan he is presenting to Trump should prove that. He is pushing single payer healthcare. Michael Moore is a Marxist film producer and the editor of The Nation. And Danny Glover never met a communist or dictator he didn’t love.
From PolitiStick:
Soviet-style socialist Bernie Sanders, along with fellow radical communist and CNN commentator Van Jones, Marxist film producer Michael Moore, and Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez-loving stooge and actor Danny Glover will be headlining the upcoming “People’s Summit” to be held from June 9 to 11 in Chicago, the headquarters of the Communist Party USA.
Calling themselves the politically correct term “progressives” instead of the anti-American, anti-freedom communists that they are, the above communist leaders will join thousands of other totalitarians who are hellbent to fundamentally transform America into North Korea or Venezuela.
Groups sponsoring the event include a laundry list of George Soros-funded communist front groups who are butthurt that corrupt and untrustworthy Hillary Clinton was not elected to continue Obama’s lurch to the left.
Among the “convening organizations” listed on the group’s website, include the following: National Nurses United, People’s Action, United Students Against Sweatshops, People for Bernie, Our Revolution, United Electrical Workers, Color of Change, Progressive Democrats of America, Democratic Socialists of America, and Presente.
Many of the groups attending are funded by that old spider George Soros. Mark Svart, national director of the Democratic Socialists of America, had this to say: “President Trump exploited long-standing racial divisions between working people to gain power, when we know he’s packed his cabinet with the same characters who rigged the economy. We all need to team up and fight back, and pro-corporate Democrats aren’t doing that effectively. Democratic socialists know that defeating neo-liberalism is a necessary part of defeating Trump’s right-wing populist agenda and defending democracy itself. The People’s Summit helps us make the alliances we need against capitalism at its worst.” They are terrified that Trump will undo the progress they’ve made in turning America into a communist hellhole like North Korea, Venezuela or Cuba.
If you want to hear the sentiment from these jackals, take a listen to Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator and a vocal communist supporter of Sanders during the Democrat presidential primary: “There is no force more powerful than a community on the move for justice. We will protest, we will plan and we will preserve in the building of political power from the ground up. This is our moment.” And they really, really believe it. They are saying go, go, go! That is why you see chaos and violence exploding in our streets now.
This is going to be a who’s who of radicals. Others attending include Shaun King, Frances Fox Piven and Palestinian Linda Sarsour. You’ve got proponents of Saul Alinsky, the Muslim Brotherhood and one of the founders of Cloward and Piven. Sounds like the party from hell to me.
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the US. It is one of two official US affiliates of the Socialist International. It was formed in 1982 from a merger of the Michael Harrington led Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee and the smaller New American Movement. DSA publishes a quarterly journal, the Democratic Left. While claiming to be socialist, Democratic Socialists of America is a Marxist organization, that draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci. This is the true face of the left. The People’s Summit is an event organized and promoted by the CPUSA and those attending it are communists… pretty much the entire Democratic Party these days. And definitely the enemies within.
My name is JOHN JARECKI and I will be attending and representing Democratic Socialist of America Omaha NE, chapter. Go ahead and write that down. I’m not a Communist, but I do know a few and they are good friends. Pope Francis was correct when he said “It is the Communists that think like Christians”
We’re tracking all of you all too.
If you think these guys are communists you are idiots. They are barely even democratic socialists. None of them want a social business structure. Do a little research. This is an opinion piece pulled straight out of a dumb ass
Let ’em hold their little “Meet & Greet”. This just allows us to see who they are, and make it easier to track them later.
…how can you support liberty but yet want people locked up because of their beliefs? thats makes zero sense
This is the sadest thing I have heard. Not Americans if they believe or support communism.what the hey! Lock em up!
Communists and Jihadists just can’t be happy unless they spread their MISERY world-wide. I agree with you, KICK THEM OUT and tell them there’s plenty of communist countries they can choose from, but they won’t get America!