Michiganders Searching for the Truth Welcome “Paul Revere on Steroids”

By: Dick Manasseri

Michiganders, like other Americans, are increasingly alarmed by the lightning speed with which their Constitutional Republic is losing ground to the Lyin’ ‘King’, given his Administration’s contempt for the truth.

Most low information voters are still in denial.

But, the reality of dead Americans, in Benghazi and in the “care” of the single-payer VA, is causing previously apathetic Michigan citizens to wonder how their own lives could be damaged by a “leader” suffering from a bad case of ED (“Excessive Dishonesty”).

It’s not a laughing matter. It’s as if we live inside our own “Iron Curtain of Lies” drawn tighter and tighter each day by the King, his media, his indoctrinators, his crony capitalists and the collaborating “opposition” (the RINOs), all willing to lie in order to further their AGENDA.

Paul Revere on Steroids

Precisely because Trevor names names and pulls no punches.
Armed only with his “weapons of mass documentation,” he has been fearlessly riding across America, meticulously proclaiming the truth to all who will listen.

Here in Michigan, the outpouring of interest in Trevor’s research is a testament to the growing alarm shared by veterans, union workers and moms regarding the blatant abuse of power by the Obama Administration.

Trevor will be exposing the sobering truth about Obama and the Enemies Within at venues across Michigan, June 5th- 13th:

St. Clair Shores, Petoskey, Gaylord, Bay City, Lapeer, Novi, Traverse City, Zeeland, Milford, Adrian, Ann Arbor

Trevor is reaching large Michigan audiences via the state’s best known talk show hosts including:

Frank Beckmann, Joshua’s Trail, Greg Marshall, Bob Dutko, Art Lewis, Thayrone X, Ron Edwards, Abolitionists Round Table, John McCulloch

Why this rock-star response to a humble patriot from New Zealand?

Trevor is the researcher who made the definitive link between Obama and his Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. His new book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, names 80 members of Congress “who couldn’t pass a national security background check to clean the toilets in the Capitol.”

Gary Peters, candidate for U.S. Senate, targeted by recent AFP ads as a dangerous enemy of the middle class, is highlighted in Trevor’s book for his ties to the Democratic Socialists of America (as is Debbie Stabenow and John Conyers).

Trevor also explores the overwhelming role of Big Labor, which mandates that, in exchange for their generous funding, the Democrat Party promote policies explicitly defined by the Global Left and the Communist Party USA, e.g. Immigration Reform and Obamacare.

Michigan is the home of Big Labor and
the home of the Progressives’ model city for America.

Michiganders understand the power of Big Labor and the devastation caused by the Progressives’ corruption and lies.

Time will tell if the truth exposed by Trevor Loudon empowers Michiganders and their fellow citizens, to take the actions necessary to reign in the Lyin’ ‘King’ and his devastating regime.


Author: Admin

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