Ray Siqueiros is a Tuscon, Arizona activist and a high school social studies teacher. He is active in the American Federation of Teachers and is a long time member of theCommunist Party USA.
Ray Siqueiros wrote on the death of Communist Party USAleader George Edwards in 2012.
- I am so glad I got to meet George 27 years ago. I had just joined the Party and moved to New York where I was able to attend many national Party events. I especially enjoyed the National Labor Committee events, where I could really fathom the idea of Industrial Concentration by rubbing shoulders with the likes of George Edwards, Hosea Hudson, Gus Hall, Henry Winston, and many other greats too long to list here. These heroes of our working class USA modeled confidence, humility, approachability, and plain honesty! I hope to continue in any way-great or small-their stunning example.
Siqueiros runs a branch of the radical Marxist/separatist group MEChA with his high school students and actively encourages them to protest for illegal immigrants.
In Tucson on March 29, 2006, hundreds of students walked out of their high schools with a message of “hear me” or at least “see me.”
At Sunnyside High School, administrators and student organizers were able to shepherd about 600 students into the auditorium to discuss the purpose of the protest and march.
Asked how the students organized so quickly, Ray Siqueiros, a Sunnyside social studies teacher, said, “It’s called technology. It’s called text messaging. It’s called myspace.com.”
Siqueiros, of Sí Se Puede, a group that organizes the annual Cesar Chavez rally, was pleased at the peaceful nature of the day and was optimistic the community would rally behind the students.
“Leave it to our kids to show us how it’s done,” he said. “It’s in tradition with Cesar Chavez. His spirit is alive and well in Tucson. The community, the parents and the school should be very proud of the students…”
In June of 2015, Ray Siqueirosreceived an award for his teaching services from local Rep.Raul Grijalva, himself a longtime ally of the Tuscon Communist Party.
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