Day: February 1, 2016
Why Is Small Town America Being Inundated With Muslim Immigrants?
February 1, 2016 14 Comments
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Looks like my old stomping grounds in Montana are heating up. People there are not taking Obama’s plan to force refugees…
Posted in 2016 Election
Donald Trump Flashback: ‘Dream’ to put UN headquarters at Ground Zero
February 1, 2016 1 Comment
H/T: Tavernkeepers Here is my issue with Donald Trump and his political ambitions; there’s very little difference between the mannerisms of “actor” Donald Trump and…
Trevor Loudon’s predictions for tonight’s Iowa Caucuses
February 1, 2016 24 Comments
The big night is here. We’ve been living in Iowa for the last several months, watching intently as all the serious Presidential candidates court the…
Posted in 2016 Election
America, why do you want to make Donald Trump your king?
February 1, 2016 4 Comments
H/T Tavernkeepers Back in 2008, Barack Obama took the political scene by storm. He made promise after promise about what his administration was going to…
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