Day: February 18, 2016
2015 FLASHBACK: Donald J. Trump says doctors make too much money (video)
Donald J. Trump believes in a public/private partnership regarding healthcare: Private for the people who can afford it and public for those that cannot. But…
Our First Day in Nevada for Cruz
By: Lloyd Marcus Talk about hitting the ground running. Mary and my flight from Florida landed in Las Vegas at 8:30am. We jumped into an…
The Legacy Of Antonin Scalia
By: Michael Johns When I first became engaged in national public policy and politics in the mid-1980s, the conservative movement had a saying, which I…
Iran’s Revealing Defiance Of The U.S. And U.N.
By: Roger Aronoff | Accuracy in Media Having already received its big payday from the “nuclear deal” that was never signed, Iran continues to spit…
Our Weasel Of The Week!! – 02/18/16
The Watcher’s Council Yes, once again, it’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!! Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of…
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