Listen Live
Wednesday April 6th 6 PM EASTERN
Leo Hohmann, WND News Editor
will be interviewed by John McCulloch on:
Hohmann’s article exposes that a new American mosque opens every week and many preach jihad.
Experts on Islamic terrorism are calling the estimated 2,500 to 3,100 mosques in America “ticking time bombs.”
Dr. Mark Christian, president and founder of the Global Faith Institute, which seeks to educate Americans about the true nature of mainstream Islam, says about 80 percent of the roughly 2,800 U.S. mosques are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization whose stated goal is to bring the nations into compliance with Shariah law.
Dr Christian: “The more they [those living lives of sin according to Shariah] go to mosque, the more they find out that salvation does not come except by spilling their own blood for the cause of Islam. The fact is we are in a religious war whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not.”
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