By: James Simpson

Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote
I am proud to call Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote, (www.truethevote.org), a friend. I have written about their amazing organization and its singular achievements in exposing vote fraud a number of times. For example, here, during the Wisconsin recall of Governor Scott Walker, and here, in a widely-read research report on vote fraud for Accuracy in Media. The following testimony, which she delivered this past week before Congress, was at once incredibly inspiring for her singular bravery, and frightening, because it poignantly reveals the depth of the Obama administration’s utter contempt for the American people and the laws governed by it.
Catherine, her husband, their company and her nonprofit, have been repeatedly targeted, first in frivolous lawsuits by the Texas Democratic Party (which the Democrats lost, every single one, but they didn’t care, because it cost about $1 million for Catherine to defend – money fortunately provided by others as they are not rich), then outrageous, unprecedented demands from the FBI, the IRS and the ATF. Watch her testimony and share it.
This administration is literally revealing itself to be a tyranny. We all need to wake up before it is too late if it is indeed not too late already. The IRS has now proposed a new regulation that can only be described as a despotic attempt to throttle free speech. If codified, this rule will make legal, the criminal suppression of conservative groups that they have been engaging in since 2010, and continue to engage in. Add your comments to the chorus of outrage rising across the land against this IRS proposed rule that will literally destroy free speech. Submissions may be sent electronically via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov.
Include this citation: IRS REG-134417-13.