Day: February 7, 2014
Ongoing Threats to Free Speech
By: Bethany Stotts Accuracy in Media The Obama administration and other liberal proponents of “net neutrality” were dealt a significant blow last month when the…
Cleta Mitchell Testifying on IRS Scandal: Lies Upon Lies, Not BoneHeaded Bureaucrats, It’s Not Over
By: Maggie Thornton Maggie’s Notebook Attorney Cleta Mitchell represents True the Vote, TEA Party Patriots and numerous others in the IRS targeting scandal. In the…
Obama and His Media Loyalists Still Spinning Benghazi
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media The media and Obama administration are at it again, trying to defend their earlier actions on Benghazi. For weeks…
Trevor Loudon is Speaking to The Tea Party Patriots of Arizona to Expose ‘The Enemies Within’
Pacific Freedom Foundation Start: 18 February 2014 6:30 pm Venue: North Gate Church Trevor Loudon is an acclaimed author, political researcher, dynamic speaker and blogger….
The AZ Red Mountain Patriots Welcome Acclaimed Author Trevor Loudon to Mesa, Feb 17th
Pacific Freedom Foundation Start: 17 February 2014 7:00 pm Venue: Faith Christian School Trevor Loudon is touring Arizona from February 16th through the 24th, as…
The Council Has Spoken!! This Weeks’ Watcher’s Council Results – 02/07/14
The Watcher’s Council Rejoice! You have been liberated by the Red Army! The Affordable Care Act – “Affordable?”… I think you spelled “tyranny” wrong. So,…
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