By AJ at NoisyRoom
Obama, George Soros, the United Nations (UN) and the global elites (Democrats, Union leaders and some Republicans) are accelerating their plan to bring America into their Global Governance scheme which will usher in the New World Order (their term, not mine).
Financially, they need to collapse America’s economy to establish a new global structure. Within that structure will be an independent funding source for the UN as well as a system to transfer America’s wealth into the hands of the elites and the governments of other countries.
Sending a massive amount of money overseas will increase America’s debt, further weaken the dollar, cause inflation and stifle any hope of a recovery; the perfect recipe to collapse our economy so that George Soros and the elites can usher in their new global structure, eliminate the dollar as the global currency and transition to a new global currency.
To those who say an American President would never do something like this to our country, read on… the process of taking America’s wealth and “spreading it around” globally is already well underway. Here are some financial facts relating to TARP and just a few of Obama’s 2011 overseas budget expenditures.
TARP: Out of the $750 billion TARP, our federal government spent $350 billion in taxpayer funds to save 35 foreign banks.
A few of Obama’s 2011 budget items… or should we say “gifts” to the globalists, courtesy of American taxpayers, in order to collapse our economy:
- $63 billion – US Global Health Initiative.
- $54.1 billion – USAID to other countries for FY 2011 – President Obama already sent $173.5 billion for international/foreign assistance ($90.6 billion in 2010 – a 60% increase compared to FY2008; $82.9 billion in 2009 – a 47% increase compared to FY2008).
- $30 billion – of the $100 billion per year for UN Climate Change Policy; the UN admitted global warming is about wealth redistribution, not climate change policy.
- $8 billion – US pays to IMF for Greece Bailout.
- $2 billion – to Brazil for OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING!!!!
- $1.9 billion – International Agriculture Programs.
- $1 billion – to Mexico so that they can drill in the Gulf (while Obama caused 23,000 Americans to lose their job because of his ban on US drilling in the Gulf).
- $665.7 million – International Family Planning & Reproductive Health Programs.
- $147.3 million – US pays Brazil each year in cotton subsidies to keep its mouth shut.
- $5.96 million – U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2010 Awards (i.e. mosque restoration overseas). NOTE: Section 205.1(d) of title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations prohibits USAID funds from being used for the rehabilitation of structures to the extent that those structures are used for “inherently religious activities.”
The above list alone represents $510.82 billion… over half a trillion dollars. Keep this in mind when President Obama and Congress tell us they’ll be able to cut $300 billion from Medicare – a program that all of us pay into and have paid into our entire working life – or when the President proposes a tax increase to take more of America’s wealth to “spread it around” to the UN/global elites in order to weaken America and ensure an economic collapse.
Part 2 will explore the UN Global Compact to de-industrialize America.
Another great post, Trevor. Spot on. The problem is we can see this train wreck happening right before our eyes but don’t have a way to stop it! He will do everything he can to destroy this country and leave us with nothing but crumbs. How can we stop him before he’s completely bankrupted all of us and destroyed our great country? We must stop funding the UN and all foreign governments at this time. Let China be the banker of the world.