Day: April 21, 2011
Treason Through “Friendship”
Spies, spies and more spies. From the Communist Party of China website April 13, 2011. Visiting Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong announced here on Tuesday…
Brazil & China: America’s Enemies Cuddle Up
Brazil’s new former Marxist terrorist President and Obama friend, Dilma Rousseff, is wasting no time in cuddling up to America’s enemies. From the Communist Party…
Red Reps 8 Hansen Clarke: Michigan Freshman Congressman’s Hard Core Communist Connections
Red Reps 7 here Freshman Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI) has a close working relationship with one of the U.S.’s most extreme Marxist-Leninist organizations – the…
Central Bankers Control The Sheeple Of The World
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. By: Livefreerevolution Read more at Logistics Monster…
Will the Contemptuous President be Charged with Contempt of Congress?
By: Janet Smiles Gulag Bound Daily Caller: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., right, accompanied by the committee’s ranking Democrat…
Cass Sunstein Explains Why “Environmental Justice” Buzz Words Matter
NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews
Watcher’s Council Nominations: Pre-Easter Edition
From: The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the…
Rep. Allen West Says Obama Displays “Third World Dictator-Like Arrogance”
Great Laura Ingraham interview with Congressman Allen West. This guy “gets” both economics and national security , a very rare and very necessary combination. Thanks…
Mark Levin is Far from Impressed by “The Donald”
A must listen for any Trump leaners.
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