Month: January 2010
Howard Zinn, 9/11 "Truther", Communist Propagandist, Leaves for Who Knows Where?
Progessive historian/propagandist Howard Zinn died lat week. Born in 1922, Zinn took part in the Communist movement in New York, before serving in the US…
Obama- Repubicans Portray Healthcare as a "Bolshevik Plot"
During the January 29 Q&A session with House Republicans, Obama stated, “You’ve given yourselves very little room to work in a bipartisan fashion because what…
Ailes vs Huffington-No Contest
Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Fox News debates George Will, Paul Krugman and Arianna Huffington of Huffington Post. Ailes wins hands down.
Glenn Beck on "Progressivism"
A great Glenn Beck show on “Progressivism”-the movement that has almost destroyed America and the West. Thanks to RBO
"That’s Just the Way It Is"
US congressman Ted Poe draws an apt analogy between White house ‘gate-crashers’ and illegal immigrants.
Security Alerts Around the world
Here’s some pretty funny (and accurate) cultural sterotyping from a US friend. The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threatsand have…
An Appeal to Moderate Muslims from Charles Wardle
A few months ago I posted on Charles Wardle. A very interesting guy, Charles converted to Islam in Pakistan, was trained in terror tactics, then…
Simpson Gives the Repubs Some Sound Advice
James Simpson wrote this brilliant piece of advice the new Republican Party Governor of Virginia for the Dear Governor McDonnell: Congratulations on your victorious…
US Marxist Union Boss Promotes Ties to Kiwi Mega Union
What was US union boss doing in New Zealand? The new New Zealand Service and Food Workers Union (SFWU) is the rough eqivalent of the…
From the Horse’s Mouth-Socialized Medicine is the Goal
I’ve argued here, here and here that the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and the Democratic Socialists of America are…
Islamic Infiltration of the US Government
This excellent PJ TV doco is now on Youtube. Hat Tip RBO
Barack Obama the Frantz Fanon Fan
In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama writes of of his days at Columbia University. There he sought out the “The more…
Obama’s State of the Union Address
Like all good satire, there’s more than a grain of truth in this one Obama’s State of the Union Address My fellow comrades, I come…
Islamic Infiltration of the US Goverment
There’s a great doco on PJTV that every Westerner should watch. It’s “The Islamic Infiltration, Part 1: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets” Go…
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