A few months ago I posted on Charles Wardle.
A very interesting guy, Charles converted to Islam in Pakistan, was trained in terror tactics, then sent back to NZ as a “sleeper”.
Charles then drifted away from Islam while studying at Auckland University.
Later he returned to the Islamic fold-apparently, so I have just learned, as an agent of the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
Charles’ personal mission is encourage moderate Muslims to stand up to the few extremists we have here in New Zealand.
Islam and Muslims are well accepted in NZ and Charles wants it to stay that way. He is acutely aware that it would take only one local terrorist incident to change that happy situation forever.
Charles urges his former co-religionists to cooperate with the police and NZSIS, to make sure our handful of local radicals don’t wreck things for other Zealand Muslims.
Thank you Charles.
Kudos to this man for making the attempt, but when a religion's book of faith (the Koran or Quran, in this case) states very as a general order (not a specific, one-time order to a specific nation as in the case with some accounts in the Torah part of the Bible) to "kill all infidels" if they do not convert, I'm afraid there will be no way for Islam to coincide in any large way with Western culture. Most Weterners will not convert to Islam. There are some Muslims who will see it as their duty to Islam and to Allah to kill those who will not convert. Incompatible with Western culture, to say the least.
Trevor, as many other commentators say, the problem is not so much the radicals but the numbers.
How do you think New Zealand would be if we had a 25 per cent Muslim population? Regardless of the number of "radicals" amongst them?
I've been reading so much about F****** Islam the last few years I've just about had a gutsful. I just cannot see how a significant Muslim population in a Western country can ever fit in, or be a peace with their host country.
Events in Britain, Europe and Scandinavia are bearing this out. Regards Lee