James Simpson wrote this brilliant piece of advice the new Republican Party Governor of Virginia for the Examiner.org.
Dear Governor McDonnell:
Congratulations on your victorious campaign. It is gratifying to see a Republican return to the driver’s seat in Virginia, the state of Washington, Jefferson and James Madison, Father of the Bill of Rights.
Given your victory, Chris Christie’s in New Jersey, and especially Brown’s stunning upset in Massachusetts, it is absolutely critical that you send the right message in your Republican response to Obama’s State of the Union address Wednesday night.
Please hear me on this.
The reason Republicans are having such stunning success is because Republicans are currently the only viable alternative to the willfully destructive policies of the radical leftist Democrats currently in charge, and those policies are deliberately destructive. As an economist and researcher of radical movements for 25 years, I can speak with authority on this subject. I know this by the enormous mass of evidence available. My writings are but the tip of the iceberg.
Many U.S. citizens however, now recognize the same thing intuitively and have been responding with justifiable alarm. Therein lies the reason for the Tea Party movement’s explosive growth. Therein lies the reason people are taking precious time away from work and families, attending evening-long meetings, showing up at rallies and pouring energy into upstart campaigns. Therein lies the reason middle-aged people who never carried a sign in their lives, are showing up – I’ve seen ‘em even in wheelchairs and on oxygen – to express their outrage.
I know you to be a genuine conservative, and while your electoral strategy perhaps focused on the issues you knew were of critical importance to Virginia voters, next Wednesday you are going to be speaking for the entire Republican Party and all other voters alarmed by the radical Democrat agenda. In other words, you are going to be speaking for America.
I am sure you realize that recapturing both Houses for Republicans in November 2010 is within reach now. But it will only remain so if Republicans offer a convincing alternative to the Democrats that addresses the overwhelming anxiety driving our activism, and puts our country firmly back on course to a sane, prosperous, secure, Constitutional Republic.
Thus, this cannot be a message of conciliation.
It must be a message of truth. Republican efforts at “bipartisanship” have repeatedly been met with disingenuous offers, back room dealings, slammed doors, public ridicule and blatant violation of longstanding parliamentary rules. Those with long memories know that Democrats have played this game for decades. This is the Democrat game plan: No Compromise – because what they really want is inimical to everything this country stands for.
As the chosen standard bearer for the Republican Party, you must state firmly that Republicans don’t intend to compromise in a process which merely allows Democrats to continue along their destructive path, only now with bipartisan support.
You must state firmly that Republicans do not intend to assist the Democrats while they ruin the economy, bankrupt government, destroy our healthcare system, and continue pitting us one against the other in a divide-and-conquer strategy that is Balkanizing our nation.
If anything has been learned from the explosive growth of the Tea Party movement and similar organizations, it is that people everywhere, Republican, Democrat and Independent, are horrified at what Obama and the Congressional Democrats are doing. But the Democrats forge on ahead, calling Republicans who try to stop them the “Party of No.”
You need to clarify our message: we are not the Party of No. We are the Party of No Way!
No Way we’ll let you ruin our economy!
No Way we’ll let you compromise our security!
No Way we’ll let you destroy our healthcare!
No Way we’ll let you bankrupt our government!
Acknowledge that we Republicans lost our way for a while. We admit it. But the scales have fallen from our eyes. This administration and Congress’s attempt to steamroll their destructive, radical agenda across this land has shaken us out of our lethargy. Our vision is crystal clear:
· Republicans are the Party of limited government and free markets.
· Republicans are the Party of liberty.
· Republicans are the Party of principle.
· Republicans are the Party of ALL the People.
· And this is because Republicans are the Party of the United States Constitution.
These are the only principles that can guarantee – to the extent anything can be guaranteed – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And they have a 200 year track record of unmatched success in making the United States that “shining city on a hill.” It may yet remain so…
Republicans want give back to The People what is theirs by right. Democrats use divisive rhetoric, intimidation tactics, misinformation and lies to extract ever more wealth from hardworking individuals.
To those Democrats who have their own epiphany and choose to shed their despotic impulses, we say “Come along with us on the road to restoration of our Republic. We will welcome you with open arms.”
If however, they continue to insist on budget-busting, economy-wrecking, national security-threatening, divisive public policies, then they need to know we will fight them with every fiber in our being.
That is the message you need to convey. I am sure you can put it in better words than I, but make no mistake; a lot is riding on this speech and We the People will be listening.
If Republicans intend to ride the crest of the grassroots tsunami, their message to the Democrats must be unambiguous: NO WAY!
We haven’t yet won. We have only made them blink. What we’ve accomplished so far will mean nothing if we don’t catch this tidal wave of enthusiasm and ride it forward to decisive victory in November.
We in the grassroots have expectations, and for once they must be met. We have suffered enormous loss from Republicans who have repeatedly let us down. For years we have invested our time, our finances and our hopes, and we are not willing to be let down again.
Please take this message to heart. Our nation, indeed, the free world, depends on it.
James Simpson
I can’t fault Jim’s argument, can you?
I worked on Bob's campaign. I do not believe he will let us down.
Kia Ora Jim…..much-loved son of Homer…..Fraternal Greetings to you and yours !
This is Lush Rimbo speaking. Remember me ? They used to call me "Rush". Read on my friends. I have the sad story of a sauced-up, failed patriot.
Remember back in the day when I'd stumble (literally sometimes) into camera?….."Rush, Rush, Rush" they'd cry, those pasty, redneck, morbidly overweight, cream-pie mugs. Damn, it was so cool !
Then some jerks got into this tea-party thing. Well…..I looked into it.
They seemed to tick all the right boxes…..commie-hating ? Yeah.
Morally and intellectually dishonest ? Yeah. Fox is Fabulous ? Right-on ! Nauseated by a black in the the White House ? Yeah.
"Good enough for me !" I thought. So I joined this tea-party thing. Well, forget about the "tea". It wasn't tea. It was "Tea-Quila". Yeah, right royal piss-ups all over the land. You only have to look at that fulla Glens Peck. Raving, spittleing, screeching, even sobbing.
Well…..I fell into a sea of pills and booze. And "Rush, Rush, Rush" became "Lush, Lush, Lush".
Beware Friends !…..there are wicked dangers in being a patriot !