Day: January 20, 2010
Simpson on Massachusetts-Take Heed Republicans
James Simpson of the has some words of warning for the Republicans after the “Massachusetts miracle”. He is right on the money. This election…
Focus Group on Massachusetts
An interesting focus group on the Massachusetts Senate election. Why The Dems lost. Thanks to Maria
Scheisse! Der Fuehrer Finds Out About Massachusetts
Thanks to Maria
"Massachusetts is the Game Changer"
Written before the vote-former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris spells out what a Scott Brown victory will mean for US politics; Beyond a pleasing sight…
"Three Strikes" to Become Law
Congratulations to Rodney Hide and David Garrett. This has been a long time coming. ACT Justice spokesman David Garrett gave his all to get this…
Scott Brown Victory Speech
Underdog Scott Brown has taken the Massachusetts Senate seat. There wasn’t one iota of comment about this story on TV3 news tonight. Biggest story in…
Coakley Concedes!!! Sad One Dems-A Great Day for the West
With over 75% of the vote counted, Democrat Martha Coakley has reportedly conceded the Massachusetts Senate race to Republican Scott Brown. At around 53 to…
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