Month: January 2010
Massachusetts Revolution
A neat little vid, on the looming Massachusetts Senate election. Go Scott Brown! Thanks to Geri.
Werthmann on How Totalinarianism Came to Austria
84 year old Kitty Werthmann is the head of the South Dakota chapter of Eagle Forum. She was born in Austria and lived for seven…
SEIU Attacks Brown-Quelle Surprise!
America’s most evil union, the SEIU attacks Republican Massachusetts Senate contender Scott Brown.
Castro’s Bio-War Program
Why Obama’s plans to liberalize contacts with Cuba must be stopped. Sean Hannity exposes Castro’s biological weapons program. Thanks to JP.
Hope for America-Brown in With a Chance
The Massachusetts Senate race is slipping away from the Democrats. “Progressive” Democrat Martha Coakley is struggling to hold Ted Kennedy’s once safely blue seat. An…
Move Over Republicans-the Patriots are a Comin’
I love this stuff. Real Americans re-discovering what made their country great. The US “Tea Party” counter-revolution is independent of the Republican Party. The GOP…
Go Scott Brown!
A new poll has come out from Rasmussen showing the Massachusetts Special Election for U.S. Senate is a dead heat. The poll has Democrat Martha…
Allen West on Blacks and the Democrats "Slavery, Secession, Segregation, and now Socialism"
LTC (R) Allen West is standing for the US Congress in Florida’s 22nd District. He is one of the new wave of patriotic, pro constitution…
Teanau Tuiono Lands UN Job
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark isn’t the only NZ radical stirring up trouble in the United Nations. Cook Islands Maori, Teanau Tuiono is now working…
"My Freedom is More Important Than Your Faith"
Briton Pat Condell eloquently flays radical Islam and European PCness. Thanks JP
Venezuela Under Chavez Socialism.
Since coming to power in 1998, Venezuela’s Marxist ruler Hugo Chavez, despite record oil revenues, is turning his once rich country into a third world…
Bring Back "Global Warming’ I Say
Nobody believes the Global Warming/Climate Change scamsters anymore, except politicians. Another nail in the scamsters coffin from the Mail Online. The bitter winter afflicting much…
Universal Voter Registration-the Next Big Dem Scam
John Fund of the Wall Street Journal warns America on the next trick from the Obama administration. According to Fund, the Democrats aim to pass…
David Horowitz and Democrat Pat Caddell Explain the Radical Take-over of the US. Must View!!!
The best explanation of what is happening to America that I have yet seen. This doesn’t go far enough and misses the role of the…
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