By: Arlen Williams | Gulag Bound
Initially attempting to introduce this short entry, I began to explain new developments in my own personal subject matter in and out of Gulag Bound. That was making this short entry long. Especially since this Independence Day marks our Ten Year Anniversary (Yay Gulag! Yay Bound! Yay what we still have of America going on…) I’ll save it for another entry.
The changes have to do with items such as this and my hope is that fellow believers in the Good News of Jesus Christ, along with the ongoing “Acts of the Apostles,” will find it of assistance. In the last few years, the Lord has turned up the dials on his gifts of prophecy and related affections of the Holy Spirit, something it is safe to say I have been looking into, over the years. Many believe this is a part of what was prophesied, long ago, in the Book of Joel and by Jesus Christ, Himself. A portion of this has to do with matters of patriotic concern.
Something noted in Facebook last week, Thursday:
When such a thing occurs, we do wish to pray, now don’t we, brothers and sisters. Since God has perfect integrity and consistency, we also tend to look around and find others saying corresponding things. Here is one, by one of the most gifted of prophetic voices at present, especially regarding the Lord’s own concerns for our society and government, Jeremiah C. Johnson, also from Facebook, on this past Thursday.
A prior post of brother Jeremiah, from Saturday the 20th, got into a bit more detail but is somewhat complicated, see it if you wish. When a true prophetic declaration of this kind is made, it is meant to be in some part conditional. How great a part in any instance, God knows. It calls for our attention, our righteous considerations, sincere prayers from sincere hearts, and our responsive, obedient behavior, to meet it so that it’s full fruition may come about.
Speak out, to remain free…
I am very confident that in addition to the prayers of many, there are many believers who have been led by our Lord to gain solid faith in this positive outcome, of much greater justice in America, very soon. When He engenders us such faith, then we become encouraged to speak out in the encouragement of others, who may then confidently pray, too. We can also proclaim what we have gained, into the realms of both the natural and supernatural in our intercession. Other terms for this are to declare, or even to effectually decree. In less than two minutes, another of our most gifted Christian servants, Jennifer LeClaire elucidates, please listen (again on Facebook).
There are so many angels with prayer answers in their hands and they’re trying to deliver the answer to you, by the grace and the power of God. But the Lord says the principalities are at war with those angels. And the Lord says, begin to empower [those angels] to war with you and for you, with your decree, says God, for when you decree a thing, says the Lord, according to my word, the angels hearken, the angels listen, and the angels are sent on assignment to fight for you like they did for Daniel, says the Lord.
If you wish not to do such a thing in public, well, that is what a “prayer closet” is for and there you may find not only shirts and pants hanging in the air and waiting for you to decree.
The reasons for this particular intercession for America are many, they are critical, and they are obvious to a reader smart enough to ferret-out this humble article. Remember, the basis of all we do of lasting value is our turning (repenting) to God from our own sin, confessing His truth in Christ, and obeying in His Spirit. And so, if you please, without undue hesitation…
Watch and pray, watch and pray, and speak out! God is bringing justice in America!
Father in Heaven, bless those who bring justice, in America and the world, for the sake of your own word and name and for the lives of those you would call to yourself in Jesus Christ. Bless the utterly strong working of your own hand, of your angels, and of the people you choose, including those who are reading this right now.
Arlen Williams,‘s publisher, has been honored to write for numerous venues, to interview Christian and patriot leaders and activists, and to organize electoral volunteers for pro-life patriots, sometimes taking part in campaign management. (And he’s had day jobs where he’s actually earned a living. 😉 In: Gab, Parler, Linked-In, MeWe, Twitter, Facebook.