It has been reported on three different occasions now, twice from Donald Trump himself, that he would like to form a super PAC to defeat one of the very few voices for constitutional conservatism in the senate, Ted Cruz.
Trevor Loudon is very concerned that Trump’s anti-Cruz rhetoric will further splinter the conservative base.
“To beat Hillary Clinton in November, Donald Trump needs Ted Cruz supporters,” Loudon said. “Trump has to decide right now: ‘Does he want to beat Hillary, or does he want to beat Ted Cruz? He can’t do both, they are mutually exclusive.”
On Friday, less than 24 hours after accepting the republican nomination for president, Trump addressed Republican National Convention volunteers and focused, inexplicably, on Ted Cruz. In addition to reviving the truly offensive lie that Ted Cruz’s dad had something to do with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Trump said, as reported at the Daily Wire:
“I like Ted, he’s fine. Again, I don’t want his endorsement. If he gives it, I will not accept it, just so you understand. If he gives it, I will not accept it, just so you understand. If he gives it I will – I will not accept. It won’t matter. Honestly, he should’ve done it because nobody cares and he would’ve been in better shape for four years from now if he’s gonna be – I don’t think, I don’t see him winning anyway, frankly. But if he – if he did I – it’s fine. Although, maybe I’ll set up a Super PAC if he decides to run. Are you allowed to set up a Super PAC, Mike [Pence], if you are the president to fight somebody?”

Bloomberg Politics reported that “a person familiar with Trump’s thinking” described Trump’s plan to pour millions into the fight against Ted Cruz (and John Kasich).
“The plan would involve Trump investing millions of his own money –perhaps $20 million or more — in one or two outside groups about six months before their respective election days if Texas Senator Cruz or Ohio Governor Kasich stand for office again. The person said Trump is willing to set up two separate super-PACs – one for Cruz and one for Kasich – and put millions into each.”
Additionally, “Trump would be willing to invest tens of millions more if necessary to ensure his former competitors didn’t win another race.”

Donald Trump, who told Jake Tapper last month that he has “very strong skin,” repeated this insanity during an interview aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” as reported at Roll Call.
“Look, what’s on my mind is beating Hillary Clinton. What’s on my mind is winning for the Republican Party. With that being said, yeah, I’ll probably do a super PAC, you know, when they run against Kasich, for $10 million to $20 million, against Ted Cruz. And maybe one other person that I’m thinking about.”
As an aside, Trump enforcer Roger Stone met with InfoWars founder Alex Jones to “discuss organizing a primary challenge to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) after the former Republican presidential candidate declined to endorse GOP nominee Donald Trump,” according to TheBlaze, “We’re actively looking for a candidate,” Stone told The Hill.
Consider comments that Donald Trump made during the 2012 presidential campaign:
Based on the above video, it is clear that Donald Trump once understood how polarizing it is for Republicans to attack each other. So why is he doing it now? Is he just that obsessed with Ted Cruz, or worse, is he trying to throw the election?
It should be noted that Donald Trump has made it clear that he is not interested in keeping a republican majority in the Senate, as reported at the New York Times:
“When I asked him recently whether the party’s maintaining its majority in the Senate meant anything to him, he [Trump] replied: ‘Well, I’d like them to do that. But I don’t mind being a free agent, either.'”
Trump’s response illustrates a stunning lack of understanding about the way government works. Presidents are not “free agents,” they are bound by the Constitution.
As Ben Shapiro points out:
Imagine the scenario Trump says he wouldn’t mind: a Democratic Senate. You can forget about a conservative on the Supreme Court. That notion would be dead on arrival. You could also forget about Trump’s supposed immigration priorities, including the fabled Trump Wall and more stringent deportations. So the two top priorities for conservatives – replacing Justice Scalia with someone of like mind, and ending the Democratic strategy of importing potential voters – would be an impossibility.
Additionally, Loudon said that the ongoing strategy to go after Bernie Sanders supporters is “futile.”
“Stop wasting your time courting Bernie supporters,” Loudon said. “Reach out to Ted Cruz supporters before it is too late.”
The GOP has been courting Bernie Sanders supporters from the left, evidently adopting Donald Trump’s strategy.
GOP website attacking Tim Kaine from the Left. Preibus is an idiot. https://t.co/vDU15rQF4u
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 23, 2016
As reported at TrevorLoudon.com, Tim Kaine is no moderate.
Donald Trump has been actively courting Bernie Sanders supporters on Twitter, by bashing the “rigged” system and trashing “banks” and “Wall Street.”
Here is a small sample:

Right now, Donald Trump seems more focused on chasing Bernie Sanders supporters than courting conservatives. This is a recipe for disaster. Trump cannot win without conservatives. Additionally, Trump must stop this senseless war on Cruz and his supporters. Without conservatives, the Republican nominee will lose to Hillary Clinton.
Only with constitutional conservatives on-board, can Trump hope to win the election.
Read more:
- UPDATE: Team Trump orchestrated outrage at Cruz during RNC & other claims
- No, the Adelsons’ did NOT shun Ted Cruz after speech
- WATCH: Debunking anti-Cruz myths (video)
- UPDATES: CNN, NOT Cruz staff, responsible for Ben Carson campaign suspension ‘rumor’
- What happened to the RNC’s corporate sponsors?
- Ted Cruz slams Obama admin for interfering in Israeli election
- WATCH! Ted Cruz vs. Jeh Johnson on scrubbing materials, jihad (video)
- Sen. Mike Lee Launches Epic Rant After Conservative Show Host Asks Him Why He Hasn’t Endorsed Trump
- Trump: The Russian Connection
- WATCH: Insane Testimony by Farhana Khera During Ted Cruz’s Hearing on Radical Islam (Video)
- Sen. Cruz’s Statement At Hearing On Obama Admin’s Willful Blindness To Radical Islamic Terrorism
- Ted Cruz: ‘Supreme Court sided with abortion extremists’
- Ted Cruz On Orlando Atrocity: ‘OUR NATION IS AT WAR…’
And still more:
- Trump Hires “Fixer” With Soviet Connections
- TRUMP CAMPAIGN CHIEF/LOBBYIST MANAFORT: Yeah, We’re Secretly Working With Mitch McConnell
- Trump’s Russia adviser Carter Page: Globalist entrepreneur with ties to Russian intelligence-dominated company
- Trump’s Blind Spot On Russia
- WikiLeaks, Trump, Manafort, Kremlin, Oligarchs, DNC
- Trump Promises “Peace In Our Time”
- Trump: America First, Foreign Policy Presentation
- Donald Trump’s HUGE admiration for Globalists
- Donald J. Trump And The Moscow Establishment
Trump is the best Democrat in the race so of course he is not interested in a GOP Majority.