By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media
We don’t remember any outrage from the media over the alleged roles played by Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in the 1970 bombing murder of San Francisco police officer Brian V. McDonnell. In fact, the media peddled the nonsense that Ayers and Dohrn, who helped launch Barack Obama’s political career, were “anti-war activists” who bombed a few buildings and never hurt anyone.
Since “domestic terrorism” is now a topic of concern for the media, in the wake of the attack on the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado, can we expect the media to pressure Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch to gather new evidence in the McDonnell case? It’s not likely.
Lynch has already seized upon the killings at the Planned Parenthood clinic,saying federal officials “stand ready to offer any and all assistance to the district attorney and state and local law enforcement in Colorado as they move forward with their investigation.” Yet, neither Lynch nor her predecessor, Eric Holder, committed any resources toward solving the McDonnell murder, which is still an open case.
There is no statute of limitations on murder. But because Ayers and Dohrn were associates of Obama and helped launch his campaign for political office in Chicago, the media have shied away from the McDonnell murder story and have distorted the facts of the case.
The double standard proves the media have no interest in exposing alleged “domestic terrorism.”
For more than seven years Accuracy in Media has been calling on the media to join the campaign to get justice for McDonnell’s family. Many news media organizations have falsely claimed the Weather Underground terrorist organization of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn destroyed property but did not kill people. In fact, the McDonnell murder was blamed by the FBI and other law enforcement organizations on the Weather Underground. What’s more, former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl named Ayers and Dohrn as being involved in, or having knowledge of, the plot to kill McDonnell and other police officers. Grathwohl has passed away, but former FBI agents like Max Noel say evidence can still be gathered in the case and that old evidence can be analyzed with new forensic techniques.
When a Planned Parenthood clinic is apparently targeted by a crazy nut living in a shack, the media are determined to link him to conservative Christians and pro-lifers who work through the democratic system to shut down federal funding of these killing centers. Planned Parenthood propaganda about the alleged culprit being inspired by politicians who want to defund the abortion industry is published as if it were established fact.
The media want you to believe that the killing outside Planned Parenthood is more significant than the killing which goes on inside. Yet we have seen in the videos from the Center for Medical Progress that unborn babies are being killed and their baby parts harvested for profit. These, too, are human lives.
In contrast to the Colorado case, the Weather Underground was part of a global network with foreign connections that reached into the Oval Office itself. Yet, for seven years the Obama administration has refused to commit sufficient resources to investigating this network and bringing terrorists who were part of it to justice. Our pro-Obama media simply don’t care.
This is why the left-wing rhetoric from the media about protecting women’s health and women’s lives in the wake of the Colorado killings cannot be taken seriously. They see this violence as a political opportunity to smear conservatives. They don’t care a whit about “domestic terrorism,” except when it serves their political purposes.
In association with the Black Liberation Army (BLA), the Weather Underground carried out the October 20, 1981 armed terrorist assault on a Brinks armored car that left Nyack, New York Police Sgt. Edward O’Grady, Patrolman Waverly Brown and Brinks guard Peter Paige dead. Cheri Laverne Dalton is wanted for her alleged involvement in that robbery. She is on the FBI’s “domestic terrorism” listand is believed to be living in Cuba.
Obama normalized relations with Cuba without demanding the return of Dalton and other fugitives from American justice, such as Joanne Chesimard of the BLA and William Morales of the Puerto Rican FALN. Chesimard killed a New Jersey State Trooper.
Two members of the May 19 Communist Organization, a support group for the Weather Underground, are still on the FBI “domestic terrorism” wanted list. They are Donna Joan Borup and Elizabeth Anna Duke. Our media show no interest in helping to apprehend them. Neither does the Obama administration.
Obama’s first attorney general, Eric Holder, was deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, where he played a key role in pardons for members of the FALN and the Weather Underground. As attorney general, he approved the early release from prison of communist terrorist Marilyn Buck, a member of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army.
In the case of Chesimard, who is a member of the “Most Wanted Terrorists List,” Lynch could authorize FBI director James Comey to wiretap Obama’s friends, Ayers and Dohrn, and other members of the Weather Underground, in order to find out where in Cuba she might be living. The Weather Underground had helped Chesimard—a convicted cop-killer—escape from a New Jersey prison in 1979 and flee to Cuba.
Somehow we doubt that Lynch has any interest in bring Chesimard to justice.
But Lynch will use federal resources to go after a nut, who apparently opened fire on a Planned Parenthood clinic and is now in custody.
The Obama administration and its media allies don’t care at all about bringing terrorists to justice. They use terrorism as a partisan political issue.
How has this evil taken over America? AND why has the GOP nominated candidates who couldn’t be elected president? Why is the GOP fighting TRUMP so hard, while the other candidates would be unlikely winners and still would take America down with illegals and fail to put our Military and Veterans and Seniors first. The billions in the Social Security TRUST FUND are spent for perks AND huge retirement benefits and medical plans for Congress and other projects. Where are we going as a Country?