By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Guess who’s behind the protests in Chicago? Old, white communists from the ’60s – again. These agitators helped organize and coordinate last week’s protests in Chicago over the shooting death of Laquan McDonald. He was a 17 year-old black thug. A dashcam video shows him being shot 16 times by a white police officer. Cue the riots led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
These communists belong to the Revolutionary Communist Party. They are a far-left Maoist group who is all for violent revolution.
The festivities began at about 4 pm last Wednesday, downtown on the corner of Jackson and State Streets. The night before, these same communists enthusiastically handed out fliers stating their intention to be the driving force in the protest movement there. Retirement is so boring.
It didn’t start out as much of a protest evidently, but that changed as they made their way to downtown Chicago. Hundreds gathered to follow the radicals. The communists worked diligently together carrying a bullhorn, a connected loud speaker and a carefully crafted sign from an October protest in New York City. The primary agitator at the protest screaming nonstop into the bullhorn with a barrage of chants was longtime communist Chicago activist Grant Newburger.
Newburger claimed to be the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade when he was in his 40’s. Now he’s 57 and still at it. During Wednesday’s protest, he kept shouting to the crowd political stances pushing his communist agenda. Newburger and other communists urged people to show up for the protest on Black Friday, so they could shut down the “Magnificent Mile.” Newburger led moronic chants like, “16 shots!” Another shout-back recital was: “CPD. KKK. How many kids did you kill today?”
Here is Newburger in 2007 at his apartment in the now-demolished Cabrini–Green public housing project. (Note the prominent poster of Chairman Mao on the wall.)
Enter another commie, Lou Downey. He’s also a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. “Send the killer cops to jail,” Downey urged protesters to chant. He was followed by yet another middle-aged white communist woman yelling into the bullhorn.
The meandering crowd was halted by police around 6 pm on Wednesday before they could get to Lake Shore Drive, which is a bustling thoroughfare. So, they turned around and headed south. They eventually made their way to the Trump International Hotel & Tower blocking traffic as they went. “We are the people! The mighty mighty, mighty people,” was a communist agitator-led chant. Also: “Whose streets? OUR STREETS!” These people need to get some seriously new chants going. It’s trite. In front of Trump’s place, protesters yelled “hands up, don’t shoot” at an assembled throng of police officers. What an insult and a lie to boot.
“How many bullets in the clip?” an enraged white protester shouted at the cops while marching. “Fuck y’all.” “We are not products! We cannot be bought or sold!” was another Mensa moment. Next in line were the offices of ESPN radio and the local ABC affiliate.
By 9 pm, the white-communist-led protesters had made their way to the south Loop chanting “fuck the police.” Also: “We’re black. We’re strong. We’re marchin’ all night long.” If they weren’t so violent and dangerous, I’d compare them to four year-olds who are colorblind. For kicks, when they got to Millennium Park, they ripped the lights from the City of Chicago Christmas tree. If there’s one thing commies hate more than cops, it’s Christians.
From the beginning of the protests across the nation, including the Occupy movement and now Black Lives Matter, I have said that you would find communists behind the radicals. The Revolutionary Communist Party is a big player in all this, with their aging hippie Marxists who feel this is their last chance to cause upheaval in the nation. They have always hated the police and now they have a vehicle to work on that hatred. Charlie Manson would be proud.
You saw these same people in Ferguson, Missouri. They paid protesters and were behind the movements there. Now they are in Chicago. But trust me, wherever you see racial division and violent chaos in the streets, the communists are not far behind. And not all of them are old… there are a lot of young ones joining the ranks these days.
“We are revolutionaries,” Downey, the well-traveled communist agitator, told The Kansas City Star in August 2014. “We’re working to do this in a way that puts an end to the system that for generations has criminalized youth, especially black youth.”
In the Revolutionary Communist Party’s flier, they describe the efforts of police officers as “a campaign of terror with genocidal implications.” “This is a situation where the burning anger and righteous refusal of the people to take this shit any more has erupted repeatedly into resistance since the uprising in Ferguson over Mike Brown’s murder,” the handout declares. “We need an end to the whole system of capitalism-imperialism.”
“We need a whole different system, one where the system of oppression of Black people and other oppressed nationalities is eliminated, along with all the other outrages this system perpetuates here and around the world. This requires an actual revolution. This revolution is real and possible.”
The Party’s website presents a glowing picture of their founder and leader, Bob Avakian. Reality is somewhat different.
Bob Avakian is the Chairman of the anti-capitalism, Maoist Communist party formed in 1975 within the United States called the Revolutionary Communist Party.
In “From Ike to Mao and Beyond” (2005), Avakian tells the story of a middle-class California boy who moved left during the ’60s, first in the Free Speech Movement and Students for a Democratic Society at Berkeley, then with the Black Panther Party, and finally into the far-left Maoism of the party he founded in 1975, the Revolutionary Union – later to become the Revolutionary Communist Party.
A little history… Students for a Democratic Society met in June 1969 in Chicago. By this time, S.D.S. had more than a hundred thousand members, making it the largest leftist organization in the United States. Its politics were anti-imperialist and somewhat Marxist, although anarchist currents existed in the organization, as well. During the convention, three ideological groupings became clear. One was led by the Progressive Labor Party faction and espoused a Maoist philosophy, another was the Weatherman faction, also Maoist, but also a follower of third-world revolutionary nationalism, and the third dominant grouping was Marxist-Leninist. This latter grouping was originally known as the Revolutionary Youth Movement 2 (RYM 2). As time progressed, RYM 2 splintered into smaller formations, with one of the largest organizations calling itself the Revolutionary Union (R.U.).
R.U. began in the San Francisco Bay Area under the leadership of Jane Franklin, Bruce Franklin and Bob Avakian. In 1979, Avakian was arrested at a demonstration against Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the White House; charged with assaulting a police officer, he fled the United States for France. It is unknown where Avakian, “Chairman Bob,” currently resides.
“He has advanced the science of communism and made decisive breakthroughs in the theory, method, and strategy of revolution and the final goal of communism throughout the world,” their website declares.
The Revolutionary Communist Party runs a handful of radical bookstore franchises around the country called Revolution Books.
The Chicago mess started when McDonald died on October 20th, 2014. Evidence was withheld and once video was leaked, everything blew up. The officer in question is Jason Van Dyke, who has now been indicted on a single charge of first-degree murder. In the now public video, McDonald has a knife and is walking away from the police officers. Van Dyke shot McDonald from 15 feet away. He kept shooting even after the teenager was on the ground unresponsive. Van Dyke has been denied bail and he is in protective custody. Van Dyke’s lawyer has said the officer opened fire because he feared for his life and the lives of other police officers when he saw McDonald had a knife. He is citing the “Fleeing Felon” rule. Under U.S. law, the “Fleeing Felon” rule was limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1. The justices held that deadly force “may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.” If he is convicted, he will probably get 20 to life. The CPD has already settled with the McDonald family for $5 million reportedly.
Give the McDonald family its due… they asked people to refrain from violence this week. Then the commies came to gin people up just like they always do.
The Revolutionary Communist Party flier called for a Black Friday protest to begin at Chicago’s famous Old Water Tower at 11 am last Friday:
Black Friday saw thousands march in Chicago… they literally shut down the “Magnificent Mile.” This disrupted business on the busiest retail day of the year. It was the continuation of the protest over the shooting death of McDonald by officer Jason Van Dyke. The protest was also over the fact that the shooting has taken well over a year to even come up in court. They didn’t like the handling of the case and that was reflected this morning as the Police Superintendent was fired by the mayor there in Chicago. Mayor Rahm Emanuel never lets a crisis go to waste and he has found a sacrificial lamb to take the fall for all this.
Father Pfleger helped organize the Black Friday protests in Chicago. Father Michael Pfleger was a spiritual adviser to Barack Obama. He’s also a stone cold Marxist and a devout radical. He protested with Obama against the payday loan industry demanding the State of Illinois regulate loan businesses in January of 2000. He’s just one more communist member who abhors capitalism.
Approximately 2,000 protesters marched in the cold and wet with signs that said “Stop Police Terror” and other nifty slogans. Organizers said the rally, led by activist-politician Rev. Jesse Jackson and several state elected officials, was a show of outrage over the October 2014 death of Laquan McDonald and what they see as racial bias in U.S. policing. It took the prosecutor 13 months to announce charges in the case and just hours later, a graphic video of the shooting was released to comply with a court order. Now, the protesters want the head of the prosecutor as well and they may just get it at this rate.
“It’s unconscionable that the police officer who killed Laquan McDonald was able to sit at a desk for over a year and draw a paycheck,” said James Hinton, 49, who joined the march holding a sign that read: “13 months, 16 shots.” The protesters chanted “Stop the cover up, 16 shots,” as they marched along Michigan Avenue.
This is another instance of communists, anarchists, racists, Islamists and radicals joining forces because they want to ‘change’ the face of America. They all have different goals, but they believe if they unite to defeat a common enemy, they can overthrow the U.S. from within. The death of the teenager was tragic and it remains to be seen whether the officer will be held accountable for doing what he saw as his job. What will come as no surprise is that these aging, white, hippie communists will be somewhere behind every protest and every hate-filled event you see in our streets. That’s where they put their money and efforts. It’s what they live for… they want revolution.
Margaret Sanger (Socialist Party, eugenicist) organized The Negro Project with the KKK. Supposedly the socialists are the left and the
KKK is the right, but they work together all the time, so they really are one force for evil. It is very sad when Christians get involved in these groups, even on the sidelines. Christians often are not politically astute, and support communists and KKK–the ones inside buildings sitting calmly. The people who truly run this kind of street violence sit in offices, and organize and prompt and lead and the blood is on their hands as well.
The insidious nature of The Negro Project is that it uses media and politics to cause people to destruct within their own communities. The Democrat KKK fully supports Planned Parenthood and I have met Christians who do too–and PP was started as part of The Negro Project.
Margaret Sanger said, “We don’t want word to go out that what we want is to exterminate the negro population.” The 15 people killed and the 80 people shot in Chicago this weekend are all the actual goal of the backroom organizers that “leftist” Christians get cozy with and support.
The Sanger Award is given each year and Hillary Clinton was the recipient this year. Pelosi got it last year.
The clue to this is to understand eugenicists and eugenics–the belief that we are evolving and man can speed up the process of evolution by causing clashes between groups. Kind of, organized “survival of the fittest.” Only problem is that eugenicists are never the ones getting organized out of existence. Look up what eugenicists did to Ota Benga to prove “the missing link.” They have us all in the ape house.
Shared all over.