7 Questions For Those Who Claim Islam Is “Just Another Religion”

Doug Ross @ Journal

In defense of Donald Trump’s suggestion that Muslim immigration be restricted until we better understand the nature of the Jihadist terror threat, the following is offered up by our long-suffering Summer Intern @BiffSpackle:

Democrats, progressives, and other miscreants: please feel free to answer any or all of these questions in the comments section below. I’ll be sure and respond to each, with all due respect, of course.

P.S., Keep up-to-date with anti-Jihad news by visiting some of the Fabulous 50 Award Winners for Anti-Jihad Blogging.


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9 thoughts on “7 Questions For Those Who Claim Islam Is “Just Another Religion”

  1. The reason non-Moslems aren’t allowed in Mecca are we’re classed as impure in Allah’s eyes.. Saudi Arabia is the real apartheid country where it doesn’t allow churches and BIBLE and even crosses if you were spotted with a BIBLE or Cross you could be KILLED for this,, Yet the world condemn Israel as being an apartheid state,, but they have Arab Moslems in their government,,, they also have Arab Moslems as judges,,, doctors,,, teachers,,, Arab Moslems would rather live in Israel than anyother majority Moslem country,,, so go figure.. And not forgetting the weekly beheadings they have… And they have the presidency of the human rights board… This is quite shocking by they’re standings.. Saudi Arabia and Iran will start WW3 with the help of Turkey.. Maranatha..

  2. The reason non-Moslems aren’t allowed in Mecca are we’re classed as impure in Allah’s eyes.. Saudi Arabia is the real apartheid country where it doesn’t allow churches and BIBLE and even crosses if you were spotted with a BIBLE or Cross you could be KILLED for this,, Yet the world condemn Israel as being an apartheid state,, but they have Arab Moslems in their government,,, they also have Arab Moslems as judges,,, doctors,,, teachers,,, Arab Moslems would rather live in Israel than anyother majority Moslem country,,, so go figure.. And not forgetting the weekly beheadings they have… And they have the presidency of the human rights board… This is quite shocking by they’re standings.. Saudi Arabia and Iran will start WW3 with the help of Turkey..

  3. Look up the word THEOCRACY. That is exactly what Islam is – a theocracy, which by its very nature is incompatible with a democracy, a democratic republic, or a parliamentary monarchy. Wake up, western world ! The culture you save may be your own !

  4. Long ago in the forties and back home in the USSR I was dead astonished once to hear my dad (an old guard Communist!) talking quite freely with his friend about the recently published translations of Quran by the famous Soviet linguist Krachkovski. I’ve remembered too well the only strapping he ever gave me: it was for visiting with my grandmother a Christmas service in the nearby church. “Dad, – I asked timidly – but you’ve ordered me never to mention the very word “religion”, as far as it is a forbidden opium for all the honest working peoples, and now – now you are openly admiring the openly published religious Islamic texts! Just how can it be?! Why aren’t these texts forbidden too?” I’ve got the revealing answer at once: “Because the Quran is absolutely unique in proving to everyone without a slightest hesitation that the religion’s aim, first of all, is to kill every unbeliever. The Quran is just a thorough instruction how to do the killings and hardly anything else. Any other religious books, be they Christian, Jewish or Buddhist, are much more secretive to be understood by our proletariat, so our Party was very wise to choose exactly the Quran for the worthy Soviet propagandists’ use”.
    Now I am living Down Under, but when I read in our Australian press the director-general of ASIA (an equivalent of the CIA) Duncan Lewis’ recent quote “I don’t buy the notion that the issue of Islamic extremism is in some way fostered or sponsored or supported by the Muslim religion”, I can’t but remember my late dad again. And I think that it’s he who was right in his appraisal of Islam, not the ASIA chief. I believe that, instead of not buying notions, he should simply buy Quran (I am sure that English translations are no worse that those of the famous Soviet academician Krachkovski).

  5. Islam is not a religion

    Islam is a closed sociopolitical and sociocultural complex edifice. It is a government body with an organized system of jurisprudence (Sharia Law), an education system (Madrassa), cultural habits and ethos (Muslim Brotherhood), economic system, military and defense system, (ISIS) and civil defenses, central government authority, (mosques), Imams and propaganda, which the call to prayer serves. Islam asserts its authority of government over every other sociocultural and government organization. All known religions refer to a spiritual component of the human condition. No other known religion is part of a totalitarian government authority. As a religion Islam fails because it requires force to sustain itself. This is because it remains as a mediaeval government and not a religious paradigm. Why do the Marxists claim Islam as a religion and use it as a weapon against the Constitution?

    Firstly, there is no such thing as an American political Left. America was founded on a political philosophy and not a political controversy. While there were two political parties there was complete agreement on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Differences of political opinion were with respect to propositions within the boundaries of the Constitution and no opposing the Constitution.

    The Left in the Progressive Democratic Party and even in the Republican Party, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Ryan and more are really not American Leftists they are European Leftists in America. They embrace a European Marxist ideal and not an American Republic ideal. What is that ideal? Around 1851 Karl Marx dispatched Joseph Weydemeyer from Germany to NYC to open the Office of the Revolution and usher in the political Left. Weydemeyer did so successfully. The political Left in America is organized to remove the US Constitution and usher in a Marxist Revolution as in Russia, China and so on. If anyone cannot see this from the Obama Administration they are not looking or blinding themselves.

    To claim Islam as a religion is simply a way to use the constitutional foundations on religion to distort the truth and allow Muslim immigrants constitutional protection. Islam is not a religion. Furthermore, since the people are ignorant of Marxism and even constitutional law (especially foreigners from Mexico and Africa, etc.). By calling Islam a religion it can be stealthily used to usher in the 2016-2020 Marxist Revolution in America.


    1. Wow, if the quality of the commenter is a reflection on this blog; I would say that we are doing very well. Thank you for that wonderful comment. I would recommend that everyone read it and consider your words carefully. Personally, I am embarrassed to say that I am not familiar with Joseph Weydemeyer and am anxious to learn more. Thanks, JB.

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