Meet in the heart of the city, where the book focuses its steely eye: The enemies in the U.S. Congress. Meet Trevor and learn what you can do to fight the real threat to our freedoms and our American way of life at the hands of our “elected representatives.” Trevor will be part of a day-long event hosted by Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kinkaid (aim.org). Trevor’s presentation is scheduled for approximately 3:45 pm. Admission to the event is free of charge, but reservations are requested by calling and leaving your name, affiliation, and telephone number: (443) 964-8208.
Reading Mr. Loudon book remind me of the 1950’s when the State Department was full of Communists and remembering the work of Mr. McCarthy and how he was marginalized for the work he was trying to
do. Also how Communism infiltrated into the writers’ world and of
course Hollywood world. There are many streets in San Francisco
named after many of these Communists.
Many of the organizations that make their millions within the Capitalism system are the same companies that are anti Capitalism and lean towards Socialism and Communism. The TV alphabet channels all protecting Obama, not showing anything harmful to the president’s
etiology carried over to most of the newspapers.
Thank you for the wonderful book.