Month: July 2013
Trevor Loudon in Colorado – New Dates for US Tour
strong>Loudon tour starts in Colorado!!! New Zealand writer/blogger/researcher Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States with his new book “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists…
Al Qaeda in New Zealand?
Even in quiet peaceful New Zealand. From MSNnews NZ There are al Qaeda operatives in New Zealand who were trained in camps overseas, Prime Minister…
Watcher’s Council Nominations – “Phoney Scandals” Edition
The Watcher’s Council I’m sure the families of Brian Terry, Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and over 300 Mexicans murdered because of…
DSA Marxists Fighting for Illegal Immigration Amnesty and Open Borders
America’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America has come out four square for immigration amnesty and open borders. Statement by the Democratic Socialists of…
Obama Must Have Watched PBS
By: Peter Rollins Accuracy in Media President Obama’s recent extemporaneous remarks about Ho Chi Minh being a Jeffersonian Democrat may be the result of his…
AIM Announces Formation of Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media Accuracy in Media (AIM), along with some of the country’s top retired military officers and national security officials, will…
Sheila “Security Risk” Jackson-Lee Nominated for Homeland Security Post
The pro-communist Congressional Black Caucus has nominated far left Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee to replace Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary. Communist affiliated Mississippi Rep….
SEIU Marxists Try to Scam GOP Over Immigration – “Amnesty” Activists Getting Desperate
The Marxist led union at the heart of the illegal immigrant amnesty campaign SEIU, is trying to scam Republican Congressmen into voting their way. The…
How Communists Manipulate Racial Issues – the “National Question”
Race is one of the communist movement’s most powerful weapons. Most conservatives understand that the left is always willing to stir up racial animosity. What…
Communist Race Baiting By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Jospeh Geha/SF Weekly: Many people may be new to the protest game, but the signage they’re using comes from old pros…
Forum: What Effect Do You Think Barack Obama’s Presidency Has Had On Race Relations? Why?
The Watcher’s Council The People’s Cube Every week on Monday morning, the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum with short…
Rolling In The Deep… With Communists By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton I honestly don’t know how anyone who has been paying even the slightest attention to Obama and his history can be…
Arizona’s Three Communist Affiliated Congressmembers
Arizona has not one, but three Communist Party affiliated Congress members. How could a libertarian leaning state like Arizona have any communist affiliated representatives? Most Arizonans…
Backstory on Obama’s Ho Chi Minh/Thomas Jefferson Remarks
The conservative blogoshere is abuzz with President Barack Obama‘s claim that Vietnam’s communist leader Ho Chi Minh was an admirer of US Founding father Thomas Jefferson….
Japanese Communism on the Rise – Tokyo to Re-Arm
Japan’s huge Communist Party is on the rise again and stands to become the effective opposition to new conservative Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s attempts to…
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