Greetings from New Zealand!
I’m writing you to ask you to order my new book. With thousands of books hitting the market every month, why should you consider mine?
“The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no book ever to appear in the United States. It deals with a problem few are willing to even acknowledge, let alone discuss:
“The problem is this. For more than 50 years, U.S. radicals, often allied to hostile foreign powers, have been systematically infiltrating sympathizers and “useful idiots” into the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.
There are now large voting blocs in both Houses, who, whether they are conscious of it or not, are effectively an enemy “Fifth Column” in the heart of the U.S. Government.
Until these people are exposed and removed from office, America has no hope of a lasting recovery or maintaining its world leadership role. Until this problem is confronted and dealt with, the very survival of the West is gravely endangered.
Some of what you will find in the “The Enemies Within:”
Communism’s big secret – Seldom if ever discussed before. How do a handful of tiny Marxist sects negatively influence your government and the lives of every American, every single day?
Communists??? in Modern America??? – Who are these people? “Enemies Within” looks at all the influential communist and socialist groups, with well documented exposes of their reach and influence.
Enemies within? – Who are the main radicals in the U.S. House and Senate? “Enemies Within” profiles 14 serving Senators and more than 50 Congress members. With many damning photographs and irrefutable documentation, taken mainly from radical publications, the book exposes a side of many of America’s leading politicians that most voters have no conception of.
I am proud of this book. It is the culmination of 5 years of research, conducted in libraries and obscure left wing archives from Los Angeles to Madison, New York to Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle.
I want to you to be one of the first to own a copy.
The book will be released officially August 20, 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
However, if you are a U.S. resident, you can receive one of the very first copies hot off the press by pre-ordering through the button below.
Yours in Liberty,
Trevor Loudon
New Zealand
When I was a 9th grade student my history teacher taught my class about communism and how bad it was and could sneak into a society. I never forgot it and now I am 70 years old and I see so many signs of us without freedom.
I will buy your book to see what you have to say.
Thank you,
Best regards,