Tag: “The Enemies Within: Communists
Trevor Loudon’s #EnemiesWithin now available to watch ONLINE!!!
ORDER The Enemies Within DVD OR, Enemies Within is Now Available on Vimeo On Demand! And ask yourself: Could your Congressman pass an FBI Security Check? Frank Gaffney,…
Amazon Reviewers on “THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress”
After selling several thousand copies of my latest book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, on Amazon, Kindle and Nook,…
Jerry Corsi Reviews “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress”
Prominent investigative author Jerry Corsi has reviewed my new book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress. From World Net Daily…
Loudon US Tour Update: Colorado Events
Trevor Loudon Fall 2013 US tour starts in Colorado!!! New Zealand writer/blogger/researcher Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States with his new book: “The…
Book Teaser: Bolshevik Bernie Sanders
Vermont’s “Independent” Senator Bernie Sanders likes to portray himself as a bit of a lone wolf socialist – the conscience of the Senate left. In…
Support the Tour!!!
Every time I undertake a tour of the United States, I appeal for some financial support. In all four of my previous lecture/book tours it…
Teaser: Barbara Lee and the Communists
Most conservatives understand that California Congresswoman Barbara Lee is a far leftist, but I think few realize just how deep her commitment to the Communist…
Sheila “Security Risk” Jackson-Lee Nominated for Homeland Security Post
The pro-communist Congressional Black Caucus has nominated far left Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee to replace Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary. Communist affiliated Mississippi Rep….
What Others Say About “The Enemies Within”
Some quick reviews of my new book, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.” The Enemies Within, written by Trevor Loudon,…
Trevor Loudon, Fall US Tour, Revised Schedule, First 5 States
New Zealand writer/blogger/researcher Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States with his new book “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US…
“The Enemies Within”: Some of the Secrets You’ll Find Inside
Only 30 days until the official launch. Pre-orders are brisk. Interest is strong. What are some of the secrets revealed in Trevor Loudon’s new book…
“Enemies Within” Teaser: Tammy and the Terrorists
Wisconsin’s brand new Senator Tammy Baldwin, has been a long time supporter of a Madison based network, which works in support of an ultra-violent Latin American Marxist/terrorist…
“Enemies Within” Teaser: Grijalva, Gutierrez, Medina, Obama’s Marxist “Amnistas”
America’s three most effective illegal immigrant amnesty activists were all members of Barack Obama’s Latino Advisory Council in 2008. The three key “Amnistas” are Arizona…
Trevor Loudon: Please “Support the Tour!!!”
Every time I undertake a tour of the United States I appeal for some financial support. In all four of my lecture/book tours it has…
James Simpson Endorses Trevor Loudon’s “The Enemies Within”
James Simpson, Investigative Journalist and Author: Zero Hour, endorses Trevor Loudon’s new book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress Trevor…
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