Hat Tip: Brian B.
I love this man! Would vote for him… Would follow him into battle and fight by his side… If he runs with Palin, Bachmann or Cain, I truly believe there would be no way to beat him. He’d wipe the floor with the progressives. The people love him that much. He’s smart, brave and moral – he is just what America needs. A warrior with a good and strong soul. A real man.
If anyone could get us out of the mess we’re in, it would be a team like West/Cain!!! The next election MUST be about character, honesty, values and principle.
Mr West, I would love to meet with you; this man will not, from what I have seen so far, put up with the PC garbage of DC. I want him to be the next POTUS we need. Assuming the nation holds itself togeather until the next election, for this thursday if I hear the news right, we hit the wall and the cliff with the national debt.