The always excellent Bill Whittle gives a comprehensive overview of Barack Obama‘s family history.
The Enemies Within
The always excellent Bill Whittle gives a comprehensive overview of Barack Obama‘s family history.
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
Whittle—-you make j Edgar Hoover look like a saint comparing how you try to destroy Obama to how J EdgarHoover tried to get dirt onMartin Luther King. Or how JackieRobinson and other blacks were treated when they broke through the race barrier. RACISM—Admit it! and thank God that Obama has had such a rich history of people free to think.
This is the work the Lame Street media used to do. Actually, it is the work they do to investigate Republicans, Trump being the latest. We already know more about his draft status then we do about Obama’s. But, that’s just the way it is. Republicans better be ready.
Part 1 agrees with my understanding of Obama’s history up through the end of the chronological time span covered in the video.
Great work, Bill! Thanks, Trevor, for the post. Do we know when the next part will be arriving???
anything deemed ‘negative’ to their boy Barry by the dinosaur media is not allowed… but you know that already
Exceptionally well done. Too bad this is off limits in the American media. It is very telling and very troubling.