Rep. Mike Pence (Republican – Indiana) defends Israel and asks a very pertinent question.
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"Mr President, Which Side Are You On?"
June 11, 2010 8 Comments
The Enemies Within
Rep. Mike Pence (Republican – Indiana) defends Israel and asks a very pertinent question.
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I'm pro Israel, Richard.
You need get informed about the enemy of western civilization. Try this & get back to us … or have you already converted to Islam?
"Yep, those Arabs and Muslims are SUCH a FANTASTIC, caring, loving and environmentally friendly gang! (Prince Charles has converted?)"
Generalisation much…sounds like someone's scared of people who are different. Different people are scary, eh.
"or not… just Nuke Israel, will that make you happy Mr. Northland?"
It would make you happy Ms Braun.
Pence is correct. Example:
google 'pallywood': the 'crisis' in Gaza a ruse to get Arab sympathy… Yep, those Arabs and Muslims are SUCH a FANTASTIC, caring, loving and environmentally friendly gang! (Prince Charles has converted?)
or not… just Nuke Israel, will that make you happy Mr. Northland?
zeig Heil, Mr. Northy, zeig Heil … that is your mother tongues, isn't it?
Pence: "There is no humanitarian crisis [in Gaza]…..".
Yeah right, like the nazi-zionist war on Gaza, killing 1500 plus, 500 of them children, wasn't shooting fish in a barrel.
Get your pampered, coiffed ass out of your RV and live the life of a Gazan before you let that shit dribble out of your mouth, you disgraceful crumb of a man!
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This site may help you*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Obama has proven through his actions that he is a Communist Islamic Terrorist.
See the facts here:
Weather it's Israel England or Poland we seem to be determined to cut off our allies.
Thank you, Congressman Pence.
You stood near me that Saturday this past March, as I gathered with about 40,000 others to try to stop the madness of using Reconciliation to shove through a piece of major legislation. (The BILL DIDN'T ACTUALLY PASS — CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING)
I saw the same look in your eye then as I see in this video now. Deep concern and, perhaps, grief.
You are right, Congressman Pence. WE DO STAND WITH ISRAEL. And you are right when you say that the real danger arises from Obama's lack of a stance in support of Israel.
Why does this Administration insist upon supporting radical elements and insulting our best allies?
I wonder.