Socialist Aotearoa, anarchists and Muslims targeted Auckland company Rakon last Friday-allegedly for supplying arms components used by the Israel Defence Force.
From Socialist Aotearoa
One hundred and fifty people marched into the industrial estates of South Auckland today to confront Rakon, a New Zealand company that manufactures the crystal oscillators used in Israeli bombs. A highly charged and passionate mobilisation faced down private security guards and a police force that acted like an army, succeeding in launching paint bombs that splattered in blood red explosions on Rakon’s corporate cream front.
The warning to Rakon is clear. Divest from your military contracts, or you will face repeated actions until you stop. The example of the Raytheon direct actions in the Irish city of Derry point the way to militant, direct action resistance of the war machine that hides in our industrial estates.
Catholic Worker anarchist Tyler Culpepper got himself arrested for his paintbrush vandalism.
Hi there Cameron,
This has got to be the crappiest reply I’ve ever got to questions which are so direct in their construction to seemingly leave no other interpretation.
Mt Eden Prison is not the Iranian Embassy.
I am not even friggin’ discussing asylum seekers!
Your ascertain John Minto has protested Iranian and Saudi funding of Islamic terrorism comes without any basis in fact.
Please re-read the questions and answer them in a fashion which holds some credibility.
PS; Don’t forget to tell us why are they mostly Catholic and what they do for jobs?
Canterbury Atheists.
1.) Why do Kiwi peace campaigners only ever target Israel and its allies? Why haven’t key-players like Iranian or Saudi interests, featured on their ‘radars’?
Tyler was arrested in 2007 for chaining himself to Mt Eden Prison to protest the detention and deportation of Iranian asylum seekers. The asylum seekers were christians who faced death at the hands of the Iranian theocracy if they were returned to Iran.
Your assertion that NZ peace activists don’t ever concentrate on the crimes of the Iranian government is completely unfounded.
John Minto was also a regular at the protests against detention of Iranian asylum seekers.
1.) Why do Kiwi peace campaigners only ever target Israel and its allies? Why haven’t key-players like Iranian or Saudi interests, featured on their ‘radars’?
2.) What protest action did these N.Z peace campaigners undertake after 2,800 innocent people from 91nations (including Kiwi’s) were murdered by Islamic terrorists in 9/11?
3.) Why are so many of the key figures in the N.Z peace-movement, the products of a good Catholic/Christian education?
4.)Do any Peace Activists have ‘real’ jobs?
Great post Trev.
You Steve, excuse violence implemented by Hamas as what this old 2007 post exposes what pathetic ignoramous you are:
“I’m so behind your “Destroy Them To Save Them” plan Anonymous.
Can’t congratulate you for originality however. All sorts of cuckoos have explored that one already – the US in Vietnam for example – not with singular success as we all know. So it is in Iraq and so it would be in Palestine.
What are you after Anonymous ? The “feel good” that wholesale carnage would give you and like minded children ? Very silly, very selfish !
Less stupid western arrogance and more maturity please. I know that’s asking alot but hey, have a go……”
You’re an obvious supporter of Hamas. I do not condone civilian death at all, but how the hell does that make Israel a “terrorist” state? Other countries defend themselves in war. Are they terrorist states?
How about war between India and Pakistan? Are both countries terrorist states? Was China a “terrorist” state for defending itself against Japan during World War II?
Do you think the USA is a “terrorist” state during World War II when it bombed Dresden?
If people like you were around during World War II, I’m sure the Axis Powers would have loved to use your ilk as propaganda.
“That slander is founded on the constantly held, patently racist notion that Palestinians are sub-human; of course therefore they would do that. Being sub-human they don’t love their children as we “real” humans do.”
You’re the racist for accusing Israeli Jews of being sub-human. How pathetic you are, that you are this subjective. Anti-Semites like you do not really care about the Palestinians, but see Hamas and other terrorist groups as their “liberators”.
“Israel is the dealiest and most efficient terrorist state in the world.”
So you’re excusing the actions of Hamas which started the conflict to begin with? Do you give a damn of Hamas’ charter stating to proclaim Israel’s destruction?
You’re pathetic Steve. If Israel wanted more caulsities, than what propagandists state, things would have been much worse such as 100,000 or one million. Yet Israel has restrain itself.
It’s people like you who are the enablers of terrorist groups like Hamas. There is no “debate” on the issue if Hamas could leave peacefully with Israel. Where have you condemned Hamas sending suicide bombers since its founding during the First Intifada?
The system the Israeli army used/uses in Gaza is a fairly automatic response system based on ID markers for identifying friends and foes, and where there is gunfire or rocket fire from non-ID marked targets, the artillery batteries are fired and that area from which the firing originated will be shelled followed by follow up apache helicopter mop ups then ground troop mop ups, its efficient and devastating.
The question that should be asked first is not whether or not who is responsible for the high civilian loss of life, but, other than Israel, which other country that has this system would dare use it in an urban setting such as Gaza because it is not designed for a fast response system in built up urban areas.
Artillery is not precision ordenance as the Israelis try to claim.
It’s standard bullshit spin from Israel that the Gazans deliberately use their children as human shields.
That slander is founded on the constantly held, patently racist notion that Palestinians are sub-human; of course therefore they would do that. Being sub-human they don’t love their children as we “real” humans do.
The real story is told by the figures.
Since IDF withdrawal from Gaza 3-4 years ago there have been 20 Israeli rocket deaths – Palestinan deaths about 1,500 (which does not count the deaths resulting from the siege).
Since 27 December 13 Israeli deaths; Palestinians 1,300. Who, Mad Mah, looks like the Nazi against those figures ? A ratio of close to IDF 100 Palestinians 1… the image of God indeed !
The further point is that residents of Gaza have nowhere to run, nowhere to take their children away from the slaughter.
It’s been like shooting fish in a barrel, quite literally. And you have the snivelling, whining, grossly inhuman zionist cheek to talk about a Second Holocaust against Jews.
Israel is the dealiest and most efficient terrorist state in the world. None of your parrot-like screeching alters that fact Mah Mah.
“Even if you consider Stalin a leftist, he was just one person – the pact with Hitler was greeted with dismay by the vast majority of leftists around the world who’d been fighting fascism in Spain, China, Cable Street, Italy, Germany and elsewhere. On the other hand, I don’t recall many conservatives talking about tearing up their party cards after their boss handed Hitler Czechoslovakia on a plate.”
I’ll only believe when Leftists are against Fascism, when they drop their principles that the state should take care of everything.
A true anti-Fascist/anti-Communist would be against government intervention in your daily life. Just because Leftists claim they are supporting the more “democratic” variant of the form, eventually makes this an oxymoron.
So why the hell were Hamas using civilian structures in the first place Huhana? Are you going to excuse something like that?
Hamas purposely lays out its forces among the civilian population to maximize the civilian caulisities. Things could have gotten a lot worse in the conflict for civilian caulsities, such as 100,000 or one million, but things didn’t get that far out of hand.
The fact that you purposely excuse Hamas’ actions, and other terrorist groups’ actions exposes that you Huhana endorse these groups, and are an outright apologist.
Have you ever protested the xenophobic Arab governments against their policies toward the Palestinian refugees? Even on pro-Palestinian blogs, they admit Palestinians living in the Arab World are treated as second class citizens, but you accuse Israel of doing more harm than the Arab governments.
When the f*ck are you really going to give some care for the Palestinians, other than to misuse them like what the Sudeten Germans were misused by the Nazis?
Hey Mah (Mad as …)
What about Dr Izz el-Deen Aboul Aish? His three daughters were killed by an Israeli shell in their own home in Gaza. The Israeli Army’s excuse? “Hamas gunmen were firing from Dr Aish’s house.” Do you believe that Mah? I certainly don’t.
Well, as usual I can’t understand most of Mah’s incoherent rantings, but his point about Stalin palling up with Hitler is pretty clear – and rather emphasises my point.
Even if you consider Stalin a leftist, he was just one person – the pact with Hitler was greeted with dismay by the vast majority of leftists around the world who’d been fighting fascism in Spain, China, Cable Street, Italy, Germany and elsewhere. On the other hand, I don’t recall many conservatives talking about tearing up their party cards after their boss handed Hitler Czechoslovakia on a plate.
Trevor, what a great site this. The selective morality and hypocrisy re human rights has always been the achilles heel of the so-called caring left.
Good to see so many lefties viewing it and commenting on it.
“Sorry what’s the alternative to the state providing healthcare?
That’s right state protected corporate healthcare.
And who said:
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.””
That’s not what I said as the solution. That closely is right up on the lines of socialist-like state run healthcare, with nationalization of private companies dolt.
Do you support Hamas’ rocket firing into Israel? I didn’t see this massive protests against Hamas for firing into Israeli civilian homes.
How’d about that photo from an Australian anti-Israel protest, stating there should be more Nazis to implement a second holocaust against the Jews?
You certainly don’t give a shit load about how Hamas hides among heavily populated areas. If Israel was truely indicriminatory against civilian population, there would be more civilian caulsities than 1000, say 100,000 or even one million.
Yet Israel is holding its restraint on that. Wonder why is such a “genocidal” country doing something like that? Even when Hamas states it’ll continue to attack Israel? Do you support more rocket attacks on Israel Steve?
Saw that banner – “Zionist Israel = The New Nazis”
Murdered babies’ shoes hangin…..
Paintbrush vandal or baby killer ?
I know who I’d rather sit with.
I was brought up decently you see……
Sorry Mah – I was there too and so proud of “Catholic Worker anarchist Tyler Culpepper” and “Ae Tautoko, Ka pai to mahi Tyler” yep me too, I support you Anon.
(Do you understand Maori Trev?) Sorry Trev it was Saturday and I was there … how come your mate did not take a photo of me?!? I think I saw him, oh dear perhaps I am too old, or something? I would love my pic on your blog! Perhaps Mad Mah could send a pic too? That would be very interesting! Probably pretty scary aye Mah!
By the way Mah, it was a very peaceful protest and the cops were great. OK? No bombs – nothing.
Lotsa luv (not) Mah. (and no I am not rabid Mad Mah)
Sorry what’s the alternative to the state providing healthcare?
That’s right state protected corporate healthcare.
And who said:
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
“The Soviet Union was essentially another manifestation of fascism. To confuse the ‘left’ with that sort of thinking is just silly.”
Then why are so many Leftists are such rabid supporters of ensuring the state would be the nanny for its citizens? Healthcare, food, wealth, retirement funding?
All of these tendacies are quite similar on the lines of what the Soviets, Nazis and Fascists promoted.
Hilarious! Mah29001, The Soviet Union was essentially another manifestation of fascism. To confuse the ‘left’ with that sort of thinking is just silly.
I believe Sam is referring to the international brigades fighting Franco.
This site cracks me up
“Hey, Ayrdale – how do you explain the fact that leftists were out fighting fascism throughout the 1930s while the right sat on its hands muttering that Hitler wasn’t such a bad bloke really (and handed over Czechoslovakia in exchange for ‘peace in our time’)?”
How’d about the not-so-secret Nazi-Soviet pact which was responsible for starting that particular world war? Doesn’t that ring a bell? It was one of Stalin’s biggest blunders to align himself with the Nazis, as one can see Adolf Hitler later betrayed the “non-aggression pact”.
The Soviets also established a similar “non-aggression pact” with Imperial Japan. Along with also Imerpial Japan being still admired by Marxists of that time such as W.E.B. DuBois whom supported the Imperial Japanese rise to power in Asia.
Ae Tauoko, Ka pai to mahi Tyler
Hey Trevor the protest happened last Saturday, not Friday.
Good on you, Tyler.
Hey, Ayrdale – how do you explain the fact that leftists were out fighting fascism throughout the 1930s while the right sat on its hands muttering that Hitler wasn’t such a bad bloke really (and handed over Czechoslovakia in exchange for ‘peace in our time’)?
Sam Buchanan
“if you really want to point out who was at the protest. stop your scaremongering and get a life.”
So much for the promotion of freedom of speech, so long as it’s only Leftist speech that gets the say.
…anonymous that’s crapola. Lefty conscience only functions as a product of lefty propaganda…you and your mates (as in WW2) would be happy supporting Hitler if it aided your “progressive” agenda.
You’re on the wrong side of history…
come on Trev tell the truth- your post should read,
Auckland Firm targeted by
Socialists, Anarchists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Greens, Unionists, Maori, Pakeha, Polynesians, Asians, Arabs, Peace groups, Pensioners, Children and Disabled people
if you really want to point out who was at the protest. stop your scaremongering and get a life.
Heres Tylers explanation of why he took the action. I think quite a ew of your readers who dont check out indymedia would be intereste in it.
Today, at an Auckland protest against the invasion of Gaza and the contribution of the Rakon company to death and destruction around the globe, Christian peace activist Tyler Culpepper was arrested for an act of non-violent direct action.
Tyler climbed onto the roof of Rakon’s manufacturing facility and revealed the true nature of the Rakon company, using red paint to adjust the building’s signage to say ‘Rakon Kills’, an accurate and unfortunate reality. This action was taken during a protest of around 400 people opposing the ongoing israeli invasion of GAZA. In addition to Tylers action others threw water baloons of red paint at the front of the building. These paint bombs were to symbolise the blood shed of hundreds of palestineans by israel.
Components manufactured and sold by the Rakon company from right here in Aotearoa have undoubtedly helped guide the missiles that have killed and injured thousands of people in the Gaza Strip over the last three weeks and millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan over the course of the so-called War on Terror.
Tyler said, “We can’t sit back and do nothing when there are people being slaughtered. Especially when companies in our own country are helping to facilitate that killing.”
The following was written last night as Tyler was preparing for this action:
All the nations will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
All wars will stop, and military training will come to an end.
Micah 4:3
Wars today are no longer fought using simple weapons like swords and spears. Instead, complex weapons, capable of much greater damage are used. These weapons require complex components from all over the world, even from here in Aotearoa.
If we are to participate in the fulfilment of this ancient prophesy – the beating of swords into ploughshares – we must know where to find these modern swords and spears, including the components essential to their operation.
The Rakon company supplies crystal oscillators to weapons companies. These oscillators are used in guidance systems for guided missiles and munitions systems – weapons of mass destruction. Rakon’s components have undoubtedly been used in the invasion and on-going occupation of Iraq, as well as in the current invasion of the Gaza Strip. The invasion of Gaza over the last three weeks has cost the lives of over 1100 men, women and children, and injured thousands more, while Rakon made record profits last year.
Tomorrow I will take a can of red paint to the rooftop of the Rakon manufacturing facility and attempt to modify the signs on the front of the building. It is my intention to reveal the fact that Rakon is helping to manufacture weapons of war, for those that have forgotten and those who never knew. Then the process of beating these swords into ploughshares can begin.
The red paint symbolises the blood that Rakon helps to shed by selling components to the weapons companies. It stands in contrast to the sterile white walls of the Rakon factory which give the false impression of purity, so far removed from the death and destruction Rakon facilitates.
This is a growing tactic of the radical left. In Woodstock, NY near where I live is a company Rotron which manufactures electronic cooling fans. Since some of these fans eventually are incorporated into military equipment some citizens of the leftist enclave want to expel the company. Since Rotron is the largest taxpayer in town it is doubtful the hard left town leaders will do anything but they are holding hearings. If I were managing Rotron I would threaten to move to Texas and close the towns biggest employer if they didn’t cease and desist interfering in legitimate business.
Crystal oscillators can be sourced from many nations. If these radicals are successful they will only have succeeded in giving Taiwan or an indigenous Israeli company the business.