Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog
Party Chairman Sam Webb opened the 29th Convention of the Communist Party USA, May 21 in New York.
From the Peoples World;
Saying the far-right political forces in the United States have launched a “new racist counteroffensive” in order to “strip away popular support for the first African American president,” Webb said, “if unchallenged” it could lead to a “much uglier version of the Bush-Cheney administration.” But if the “racist barrage runs into a powerful anti-racist response coming not only from people of color, but also from the white majority and white workers” it can be stopped.
“My guess,” said Webb, “is that the Republican Party, which has turned into an instrument of unabashed racism … will not be successful” in 2010 or in 2012.
Webb called on the delegates to step up their involvement in the fights for jobs, anti-racism and grassroots election work.
Webb also expanded on a vision for socialism. Calling it a “work in progress” Webb spent time on developing a vision for socialism based on U.S. culture, history, democracy and traditions. And that socialism has to be sustainable – environmentally/economically – and given the huge dangers of global warming, socialism is a necessity.
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