Month: June 2010
Obama on Wright – Wright on Socialism
A 1995 video in which Barack Obama praises his “wonderful” pastor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the “best of the black church.” On September 17, 2009,…
Evasive Elena
Senator Jeff Sessions questions Elena Kagan at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Kagan has worked in the Clinton White House. It looks like she learned…
Thank You Again, Glenn Beck!
Glenn Beck gave New Zeal another major plug on his radio show today resulting in a huge traffic spike of well 50,000 hits in a…
Elena Kagan’s Hero
Why are the Republicans not trying to stop this woman? She could serve on the Supreme court for 30 years!
Yale Fellow "Obama Most Radical US President Ever"
Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, Yale fellow, “Distinguished Professor of the Year”, and Harvard Phd, states that president Obama’s intention is to “correct the historical mistake…
The Funny Side of Suicide Bombers
Two Muslim mothers are sitting in a cafe chatting over a plate of tabouli and a pint of goat’s milk.The older of the two pulls…
"Muslim War Council"
The lighter side of Jihad and terrorism.
Jerry Nadler – Still a Radical Socialist?
Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog New York Democratic Congressman Jerry Nadler is chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil…
Boston’s Radical Islamic "Trojan Horse"
An excellent short doco on Boston’s radicalized Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. Symbolic of rampant appeasement of radical Islam in almost every Western country.
"Amputate or Die"
An excellent column from Jack Wheeler It was a sobering dinner party last night (6/16). Hosted by a London billionaire in his exquisite home –…
Aussies Tell it Like It Is.
Excellent little Australian doco on the gulf oil spill.
1966 – Cloward – Piven Strategy Unveiled at Socialist Scholars Conference
Cross posted from Many commentators on the U.S. left have tried to minimize the significance and importance of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, made famous by writer…
"Manchurian President " Reviewed
Buy this book!!!!!!!!!! New Zeal is extensively referenced. From Noisy A review of “THE MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT” Barack Obama’s ties to Communists, Socialists and Other…
Spychief – Canadian Politics Compromised by Foreign Power – China Prime Suspect
For those naive souls who think New Zealand’s Free Trade Agreement with the People’s Republic of China, is somehow a good thing, I suggest you…
KeyWiki Hits 50,000
Our sister site KeyWiki has just ticked over 50,000 Mainpage hits. With over 43,000 pages, there will have been several hundred thousand page views in…
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