National MP Murray McCully, a long time critic of NZAID, has picked up on my first expose of the CID NGO Travel Fund-probably through the good work of The Hive.
NZAID Funds Radicals and Trouble-makers
Like nature’s innocents located at the worldwide headquarters of, most New Zealanders will have fondly imagined that the aid monies generously provided by this country’s taxpayers are targeted at improving the lives of the World’s poor and dispossessed. And, at least in part, we would all be wrong. Leaving aside the sneaking suspicion that rather too much of our aid budget ends up indirectly in the hands of NGO bureaucrats, it is clear that some NZAID monies are ending up in the hands of the least deserving.
Take for example the 2002 donation of $2000 from the Council for International Development-administered NZAID NGO Travel Fund to well known leftist Professor Jane Kelsey for the purpose of representing the radical organisation ARENA at “The World is Not For Sale” meeting in Oslo. This was not, in an ordinary sense, a conference, but rather a gathering of extreme leftist forces from around the world for the purpose of disrupting the World Bank conference being held at that time. As a reasonably well-paid professor at a major New Zealand university, it might have been imagined that Ms Kelsey could afford to indulge her left-wing fetishes at her own expense, without stripping funds from the mouths of the World’s starving millions.
An inspection of the list of donations over the years demonstrates a propensity on the part of NZAID to dispense small amounts of taxpayers’ cash to such activists. That the recipients appear to be uniformly of a left-wing persuasion raises questions of judgment about the officials who dispensed the cash. That left wing activists are paying fancy hotel bills with cash intended to feed the World’s poor and hungry is something that must, in due course, be addressed.
Better get on to the rest of the series.
funny that but then they use US intelligence alignments to do a mass raid on Tuhoe and marxist and anarchist activists you claim labour support.
why was john key in that photo op with tame iti?
You’re welcome to investigate those things anon-just as Nicky Hager has investigated National Party funding.
I’m certainly interested in whose funding Labour if you can give me some tips.
If the New Zealand taxpayer knows that it is regularly funding Marxist and anarchist revolutionaries and continues to willingly do so-fine.
Right now they are funding them, but think they are funding something else.
I want to let the taxpayer know exactly who they are funding.
I’m sure you will agree that that is a valid goal.
would be interesting to study the national parties funding, and us business links, particularly weapons manufacturers, and so on.
does fonterra donate to the national party? does genesis energy fund the labour party…. why don’t you do some real investigation trev…