Day: July 11, 2009
Obama Met Top Communist Leader In Moscow
Why would Obama bother to meet with the leader of Russia’s Communist Party? From Cuba’s Granma MOSCOW, July 8.— Former Russian presidential candidate Guennadi Ziuganov…
30,000 Scientists Want to Sue Al Gore For Fraud
This is good. Thanks to Anne.
Gore on "Global Governance"-What the "Climate Change" Scam is Really About
Below is six minutes of the world’s most tedious and uninspiring speaker. However the “money quote” is only about 80 seconds in. Spare yourself the…
Cap-and-Trade Bill "Dead" in US Senate?
When I was last in the US, a leading libertarian “think tanker” assured me that Obama’s Cap-And-Trade Bill was far too much of a mess…
Communist Party on Palin
The US left hates Sarah Palin. They are terrified that she could spark a new genuine conservative movement that might seriously challenge their man Obama’s…
Honduras Can Be Saved from Communism
The nasty fascist Honduran military has just deposed democratically elected president Zelaya-or so most of the world believes. Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media doesn’t…
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