Month: June 2009
Off For Two Weeks
No blogging for two weeks as I head off on overseas research trip. As usual, financial support via PayPal button at right is most welcome….
Cuties For Castro?
This is an interesting example of how the modern US Communist Party operates. No more boring old Stalinists-now its slick, cool and oh-so “American”. CNN…
Some Thoughts for Prime Minister Key
If a parent smacks his or her child in New Zealand today, he or she is breaking the law. The left and the anti-family zealots…
Listen Up John Key-Ignore Smacking Referendum At Your Peril
If PM John Key thinks he can ignore the results of a referendum that WILL OVERWHELMINGLY support the re-legalization of smacking he can bloody well…
"In Parents We Trust"
This is why it’s good to be an ACT supporter rather than a wet Nat. ACT people don’t have to swallow tons of PC crap…
Obama’s Radical Sunday School
My friend RBO has crossposted a brilliant article by Hawai’i based journalist Andrew Walden. It seems that even in Sunday School Obama was mixing with…
Communist Party USA Gets Religion!
The Communist Party USA has long assigned members to churches, synagogues, even tabernacles. As part of the CPUSA’s big push for power under the Obama…
The Fraudulent Case Against Corporal Punishment
With the smacking referendum looming, both sides are squaring up. Here’s my old friend Barbara Faithfull’s latest contribution to the debate. The Fraudulent Case Against…
Help Defend Sarah Palin
The US left hates Sarah Palin with a passion. They’re terrified that she may stand again-without John McCain’s wimpish minders to muzzle her. The $125,000…
China/US Co-operation on Climate Change Scam
Sinister. When the supposed leader of the free world, hops into bed with the Chinese Communist Party-you just know that freedom will be the loser….
Obama Reforms-"New Levels of Activism and Black Protest"
I’m sure a lot of white American’s voted for Obama in the hope that electing a black president would help to reduce racial tensions in…
Rep Michele Bachmann On "Gangster Government"
Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is very impressive. Here she gets to the guts of what’s happening in America-“gangster government.” Thanks to Ken.
Old Soviet Moles Should Be Exposed
I’ve been sent a very interesting piece from The Australian on Soviet penetration of the Australian intelligence services. The author Paul Monk, a former intelligence…
UNITE Hires Urewera 17 Arrestees
Matt McCarten’s radical UNITE union has gone beyond hiring organisers almost exclusively from the Worker’s Party and Socialist Aotearoa. Not content with Marxist-Leninists, McCarten has…
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