The outcome of the 2008 US presidential and House elections will have a huge impact on the future of the “free world“.
The US Democratic Party is now heavily infiltrated by the extreme left and is now closely linked to the Communist Party USA.
The CPUSA influences the Democrats through many organisations, including the Congressional Black, Hispanic and Progressive Caucuses, that combined make up half of Congress.
All the leading Democratic presidential contenders are leftists and all are beholden to the socialist controlled US union movement for money and campaigners.
The Communist Party USA is throwing all its efforts into a Democratic Party victory in 2008. They are mobilising all their women, African American, Latino, Youth, Labour and Peace Movement assets to maximise the Democrat vote. CPUSA influenced organisations/fronts such as the Coalition of Labour Union Women, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and Jobs With Justice, will also play a leading role.
The CPUSA’s first priority is a Democratic victory, but where it can the Party will seek to replace centrist “Blue Dog” Democrats with more socialist leaning ” progressive” candidates
The CPUSA is leaving nothing to chance. It is targeting its resources in an extremely scientific and well thought out manner. The Party understands that focusing on a few marginal seats can win the election for the left.
The CPUSA believes they have an opportunity to smash the Republican Party and move the US far to the left.
Below are extracts from a recent and very revealing CPUSA report.
A Beginning Look At The 2008 Elections
by Joelle Fishman, Chair, Political Action Committee, CPUSA
Report to National Board, Communist Party USA September 5, 2007
Everything we do and every new development relates to the 2008 elections. There is an opportunity in this election to begin a fundamental change in the direction of the country, which starts with taking the 2006 election results further and ousting ultra-right Republican big business domination of the federal government. It is a tough but realizable challenge for labor and the people’s movements.
Who wins the presidency and the size of the majority in Congress is of crucial importance. These elections offer a chance to deliver a decisive blow to the ultra-right and to change the course of the country.
It would be easy to assume the Republicans can’t win, but that would be a great mistake. We must not underestimate who we are dealing with. This crowd will stop at nothing to steal or manipulate the election for their own benefit. They have money, they are aggressive and they fight dirty. Unforeseen developments can change the political landscape. This will be a nasty campaign. The defeat of the Republican ultra-right is not inevitable.
It will take a focused mobilization by labor and the people’s movements, but it can be done.
Just a year and a half ago in January 2006 the main estimate of pollsters and the mass media was that it would not be possible to change control of congress. The change was bigger than most anyone anticipated. We are now building on the victory.
Our Party has an important role to play in keeping the focus on the fight for a new direction in our country for jobs, healthcare and an end to the war. That is how the 2008 elections will be won.
The Democratic field: is more progressive than past campaigns. At the AFL-CIO debate at Soldiers field each candidate was vying to be the most pro-union, the best for healthcare. All have come out against the war, although Clinton and Obama are still talking of leaving some troops behind which is an inadequate position.
In 2008 it is possible to enlarge the Democratic majority in general, and at the same time to enlarge the progressive, Black and Hispanic caucuses and union members in Congress by engaging in some primaries.. The Blue Dog caucus has 47 members. On Aug 4, 31 Blue Dogs voted for the anti-democratic Protect America Act (FISA), with provisions for wiretapping and internal spying that shred basic constitutional rights. The bill passed with a 44 vote margin. The Blue Dog caucus has also voted with Bush on Iraq, preventing a veto proof majority for setting a deadline to remove the troops.
In some Blue Dog districts, progressive candidates are expected to garner the support of labor and allies to run a primary. As was learned in 2006, this can be a big positive where there is an understanding that no matter who wins the primary, in the general election the main need is to block the possibility of a Republican majority or near-majority.
The main emphasis in the Senate is to hold onto and enlarge the Democratic majority.
Regionally, Democrats lead in the West (+17), Northeast (+14), Central Plains (+12), Midwest (+11). Republicans lead only in the Mountain states (+7). South and South Central are tied. Democrats win urban areas (+17), suburban (+7), and lose rural areas by just 4 points. Among the swing independent bloc Democrats lead (41-31) with 29% undecided. This shows the possibility of undoing or at least cracking the Southern Strategy originally developed by Richard Nixon.
The key to victory in 2008 for progressive forces will be to hold onto the base built in 2006 and take the fight into the south and rural areas where it is possible to break the back of the right-wing Republican machine.
Labor movement.
Scott Marshall reported on Labor 2008 at the August 20 meeting of the Political Action Commission.
For the last 10-15 years labor has been building an independent apparatus to field and support labor candidates. In the 2006 elections. 25% of voters were union members. The goal in 2008 is to increase that by involving and developing a cadre of rank and file activists to carry out labor’s political work.
Responding to an idea put forth by NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected Officials), a massive year long media campaign is being carried out by Univision to appeal to more than 8 million permanent residents to become citizens. This would benefit Democrats at least twice as much as Republicans, and could result in 2-3 million.
The early primary in Nevada is considered the “Latino Iowa.”. One in four of 1.8 million in metro Las Vegas are Latino, and many Latinos are union members. Who wins the primary in Nevada will send a message to TX, CA, NY, NJ, FL, CO, IL This is the first time that Latinos are in senior level positions in every major Democratic presidential campaign organization.
On Election Day 2006, 10.8 million 18-29 year olds voted, which was two million more than in the previous midterm election This trend is expected to continue in 2008.
Democracy Corps: released a study “Republicans Collapse Among Young Americans” in June. In 2008 young people 18-31 will outnumber the baby boom generation. By 2015 they will be one third of the US electorate.
Republicans and younger voters disagree on nearly every issue – the role of government, Iraq war, global warming, gay marriage and illegal immigration (55% favor a path to citizenship, 44% favor a focus only on border security). Issues like global warming and the Iraq war can drive this vote. But young peoples’ economic struggles, more than any other issue, defines their political agenda They are pressed economically by jobs with few benefits, low wages and rising costs of living. Young voters also indicate that they are ready for a woman or African American president.
The youth vote will be very instrumental in the 2008 elections, and will continue to have a big impact in coming years.
African American
The African American vote has historically been the most progressive force. There is a major effort to get out the vote in 2008. Jesse Jackson is conducting a voter education tour for jobs, peace, justice from Sept 15-19 in 12 So Carolina cities with the purpose of inspiring African American voters to study the issues and vote in the February primary and beyond.
A campaign in the African American churches nationally will kick off with Black Voter Empowerment Sunday, Oct 14. Power of the Sister Vote 2008 has been formed to appeal to African American women who make up 58% of the Black electorate. It is sponsored by the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women and APRI to make sure issues of women and youth remain on the front burner in 2008. VOTE – Voices of the Electorate, Operation Big Vote, and Black Youth Vote are also moving into high gear.
Barak Obama predicts that Black voter turnout will swell 30% if he wins the primary. He says that “If we just got African Americans in Mississippi to vote their percentage of the population, it is a Democratic state.” The same is probably true in Georgia, and South Carolina.
The CBC (Congressional Black Caucus)weekend in September will be a major force in focusing on 2008.
In 2006 women voted Democratic by a 12 point margin That has now increased to an 18 percent margin. Single women support Democrats in the largest numbers. The presence of Hillary Clinton in the field has upped the ante for every campaign to reach out for the women’s vote..
Women comprise 59% of Democratic primary voters in key early states. (Washington Post (6/11/2007). An ABC/Washington Post poll in June showed while men are almost equally likely to support Clinton and Senator Obama, among women, Clinton leads with a two to one margin. NOW was an early endorser of Hillary Clinton.
The Coalition of Labor Union women (CLUW) will hold its convention October 10-13 around the theme “A New Direction for Working Women,” which will prepare for the 2008 elections
The women’s vote will be an important factor in 2008.
Our role
We have an important role to play in the 2008 elections, which is connected to every issue and campaign in which we are involved. In the first place, we play an ideological role as a force for unity. We must expose the class and social forces behind the ultra-right and expose the threat to democracy they represent. We have an important opportunity in the 2008 elections to raise class consciousness, and to highlight and build up labor and people’s independent role.
The Peoples Weekly World / Nuestro Mundo, Political Affairs, and Dynamic have played a consistently important role, and that should be expanded even more. Our Party and press building campaign is very important to this effort. Increasing the readership of our paper will make an ideological contribution to the 2008 elections.
Our work on the elections should build at the ground for the long term both coalition and our own constituency. There are new possibilities to develop left center relations between labor and the Party. We should think through how to strengthen those ties. In 2006 we reached new levels of participation in labor sponsored election activities. How can we deepen that in 2008 and consolidate labor’s growing independent trend?
We should get involved in voter registration in every club, and involving every member. We can inspire voter registration and turnout by relating the elections to ending the war, achieving universal single-payer health care, and measures to respond to the economic crisis.
In every district we should identify the key House and Senate races where we will work with labor and its allies. The Political Action, Labor, and Peace and Solidarity Commissions can help in this process.