Preparations For War?

From the Cleveland Jewish News

A U.N. report about arms flow into Lebanon confirmed Israel’s intelligence assessment that Hezbollah is rearming via Syria.

The June 26 report found that officials along the Syria-Lebanon border are not stemming the flow of weapons into Lebanon.

The Security Council resolution that ended last summer’s war between Hezbollah and Israel mandated that the Lebanese Army prevent arms flow across the border and into the hands of Hezbollah. The Lebanese and a U.N. force in the country were supposed to enforce that mandate.

Hat Tip Zionist Anti Communist


Author: Admin

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7 thoughts on “Preparations For War?

  1. Anon is a supporter of fascism MAH.

    We should be appreciative that at least Anon is honest and open about it.


  2. Anonymous, do you also take pride in supporting the neo-Fascist government of Syria? Still pleased that its arm sales are heading to those “freedom fighters” in Hamas and even to a certain extent, the “moderate” PLO and its Lebanese front group-Hezbollah? You think it’s okay that Hezbollah, PLO and Hamas also get arms from Iranian leaders who even invited the likes of David Duke and other holocaust deniers to Tehran a few years back?

    Why is it that the Israelis and those in the U.S. always happen to be the “ultra rightist fascists”, but the totalitarian dictatorship in Syria and the pro-Nazi Iranian leadership get a free pass with you?

    If this was WWII and Allied forces were facing problems in the Balkans, you would probably feel comfortable of the Fascist Italians and the Nazi Germans funneling arms to pro-Nazi/pro-German/pro-Fascist circles in the Balkans, like how you feel comfortable with Chavez aligning with Ahamdinejad, or Ahmadinejad being aligned with Assad and Assad with Hezbollah, the “moderate” PLO and even the likes of Hamas.

    Nothing is to be of concern with these folks. America and its allies are always the problem.

  3. “a new report shows that israel is armed by the US who has the worlds largest military.

    another report says that that is ok because my carthyists are with arms as long as only ultra rightists have them.”

    Anonymous, do you even give a damn about Palestinians who are literally fleeing for their lives not to any other neighboring Arab nation, but to Israel? Why is that? Because Israel is run by “ultra-rightist fascists”?

    How about the load of Nazi-like propaganda Hamas has been shoving down their throats and why it took even the likes of the “moderate” Abbas for Gaza’s conquest by Hamas to realize they were a threat?

    Don’t shove me around your anti-American/anti-Western and even quite frankly in this episode, anti-Jewish propaganda.

  4. a new report shows that israel is armed by the US who has the worlds largest military.

    another report says that that is ok because my carthyists are with arms as long as only ultra rightists have them.

  5. I also hear that Chavez is aligning himself with Hezbollah through their masters in Tehran. You may want to take a look at my blog again Trev.

  6. The Jewish state of Israel is being surrounded by its enemies, Hamas, the “moderate” PLO, Hezbollah, Syria, etc. What all these pro-Soviet Arab states and “Muslim”/”Islamic” terrorist groups have in common is forwarding the old Soviet policy against Israel-to promote its demise for the sole crime of Israeli Jews rejecting Soviet-style Communism.

    Much of this is heavily documented in Breaking From the KGB by Maurice Shainberg who worked closely with pro-Soviet Zionist circles in Warsaw.

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