Month: May 2007
"Lynchem" Len-Libellous "lliance Leading Leninist Looney
One of most disgusting and libellous signs seen at yesterday’s was borne by len Richards-until recent times, co-leader of the miniscule Alliance Party. Len has…
Callous Socialists Exploit Tragedy
Nobody knows exactly what happened. A family is grieving the loss of a wife and mother. Emotions are running high and talkback is buzzing. The…
Cuban Influence in Timor Welcomed
The Australian government is pleased that Jose Ramos Horta is the new president of Timor Leste. They seem to think he is a moderate. The…
Just What Iraq Needs
From Iraq Communist Party Website The Chinese Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Chen Xiaodong, sent a message to comrade Hameed Majid Mousa congratulating him on being…
Vietnamese Communists Build Relations With Venezuela
From Cuba’s La Prensa Latina Caracas, May 30 The secretary general of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nong Duc Mahn, was welcomed at the National…
Reply to John Darroch-Capitalism and the Environment
John Darroch has impeccable green/radical credentials. A couple of years back he was Green Party parliamentarian, Nandor Tanczos’ youth MP. He has been a leader…
Chavez Tightens Grip
From ABC News Hat Tip Once upon A Time in the West Venezuela’s oldest private television station was pushed off the air as President Hugo…
Kill A Cricketer for the Revolution!!!!
Not content with murdering policemen, train inspectors and local politicians, India’s Maoist insurgents are now targeting sportsmen. perhaps the NZ Workers Party which supports these…
Solid Energy Battles Greens and Marxist Teens
Green Co-leader, Russel Norman’s outrage against state owned mining company Solid Energy’s infiltration of the Save Happy Valley Coalition is understandable given his party’s longstanding…
Is Russel Norman Being Hypocritical Over "Infiltration" Allegations?
I heard Green Party co-leader, Russel Norman on Radio NZ this morning, angrily denouncing Solid Energy for infiltrating a spy into the Save Happy Valley…
Nicaragua and North Korea, Comrades Again
“Non-communist” Nicaragua has recently re-established doplomatic relations with Russia and North Korea. Self proclaimed “born again Democrat,” Daniel Ortaga never forgets a comrade. From Korea…
Venezuelan Tyrant Threatens Opposition
It’s getting harder and harder for Western socialists to defend their idol, Hugo Chavez. He is rapidly becoming just another third world Marxist dictator. From…
Communist Vietnam Builds Ties With Socialist Latin America
From Cuba’s La Prensa Latina Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Vietnam s Communist Party general secretary Nong Duc Manh expressed in this capital his country…
Don Clarke Deserves a Little Scrutiny
National MP Murray McCully examines some of the $369 million this country wasted on “foreign aid” last year. From McCully & Co New Zealand taxpayers…
Roy On Selective Prosecutions
ACT MP Heather Roy on selective prosection of MPs After months of waiting for the results of a police investigation former Labour MP Taito Phillip…
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