Month: July 2007
Russia and China’s Not Military Alliance
From Novosti MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) – Six Il-76 transport aircraft landed Tuesday in Russia with 287 servicemen of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army…
How Socialist Extremists Took Over the New Zealand Labour Party Part 1
A unique set of circumstances combined to give New Zealand’s main Marxist-Leninist groups considerable influence on and in this country’s main “Centre-Left” party, the New…
Welfare Dependency Increases Child Abuse
New Zealand doesn’t have a child abuse problem-it has a welfare problem. People with too much time on their hands, no self respect, No pride,…
"Rockin’ in the DPRK…"
This would be hilarious if it weren’t so sick. From Korean News Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) — Dancing parties of youth and students were held…
Sick Social Engineers Harass Vulnerable Women
So now I have to worry, not just about my kids being brainwashed at pre-school, but that my wife might dob me in when she…
Iraq, ACT and I
Anonymous asked this question; Why was the ACT Party the most pro-the invasion of Iraq? Why does it seem that the party feels the need…
Martha Coleman-Changing "The System" From Within
For many years now the left have worked through the legal system. A few smart socialist lawyers can change our society more effectively than thousands…
Palestinian President Visits Moscow
Off to see the boss for instructions? Moscow, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Palestine National Authority, Mahmmud Abbas, began a three-day visit…
China/Russia Military Cooperation
From the People’s Daily Online The first batch of Chinese officers and soldiers have left China for Russia to attend a joint anti-terrorism drill held…
100,000 Hits
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Socialist Worker's Evil Friends
Socialist Worker NZ is the sister party of the British . Since 2002, the SWP have been key participants in a series of annual conferences…
Trotskyists Support Islamic Radicalism
New Zealand’s leading Trotskyist group, is the main supporter of Islamic radicalism in this country. In Australia that honour belongs to the and its front…
Franks on Labour’s Anti Free Speech Proposals
Labour wants to stifle free speech in election years (they’ll get the rest later). Fprmer ACT MP, Steven Franks, exposes their corruption. There is no…
S.A.P. 16 Chamsy el-Ojeili
My latest Socialist Academic Profile looks at Dr Chamsy el-Ojeili, a lecturer in sociology at Victoria University, Wellington. El-Ojeili is the Sociology Department’s postgraduate coordinator….
Will US Communists Continue To Back Barack?
The Communist Party USA, with its influence in the union and peace movements and its allies and supporters in the Democratic Party, may well be…
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