According to Jane’s Intelligence Digest of 10.2.06, “Russia’s FSB (the re-named KGB) “is preparing to launch a targeted crackdown against key critics of the Russian authorities in the aftermath of the recent British ‘spying’ scandal.”
Jane’s correspondent warns that there may be show trials ahead.
The FSB has also been pro-active in the wake of the British spying allegations.
It has posted, on its official website, an offer to any Russians currently working for foreign intelligence services. The FSB wants the “agents” to confess their crimes, but continue to work for the foreign service as “double agents”
They will be given immunity from prosecution, continue working for the FSB and be allowed to keep any money earned from the foreign service.
Who says the Russians don’t understand incentives?
劈腿 劈腿測驗劈腿剖析劈腿調查 劈腿大剖析 外遇捉姦 徵信社 通姦 通姦罪 抓猴 捉猴 外遇 外遇剖析 外遇調查 外遇案例 外遇諮詢 偷情 第三者外遇話題 外遇發洩 感情挽回 徵信社 外遇心態 外遇 通姦 通姦罪 徵信徵信社偵探外遇 外遇 抓姦徵信協會徵信公司 外遇 徵信 包二奶 跟蹤 監控 夫妻 徵信社 徵信 徵信社 大愛徵信 離婚 抓姦 離婚 抓姦 婚姻 婚前徵信 前科 查址 個人資料 外遇 第三者 徵信社 偵探社 抓姦 外遇 離婚 通姦 偵探社
Well if you were a double spy would you admit it…. Sounds like a early retirement to me.